Ed Hillmann
Ed Hillmann
This probably needs to be implemented in a new Extension. It doesn't fit in the WebModuleExtensionDef, at least not right now. In my example, a standard Jar module defines the...
@kelemen Can you see what I am doing wrong? I've committed my code, but I feel like I'm hitting a wall. I'm trying to define a new ExtensionDef, with associated...
Oh, ok. That gets written to $HOME/.gradle/daemon, right? I'll keep digging away
Ha! If I just write out to System.out instead of using a Logger, I can see it in the daemon log. Thanks for the help!
@kelemen The next question. :) I'm trying to not hard-code the location of the persistence.xml, insofar as I want to check any of the known resource source directories and check...
Weird, if I look at the 1.11 javadoc, SourceSetContainer is there, but it's deprecated. ?
Thanks. I'll start looking at that. Out of curiousity, if I copy those same classes from the model artifact into my own plugin, will there be a problem if I...
@kelemen Is there a way to get the ClassPath from the Gradle plugin? The PersistenceScope needs to provide the persistenceXml as well as a ClassPath. I've done the first bit,...
I've tried using this ` GradleClassPathProvider classPaths = jpaModule.getProject().getLookup().lookup(GradleClassPathProvider.class); ` But I get a compilation error `` --- nbm-maven-plugin:3.14:manifest (default-manifest) @ netbeans-gradle-javaee-plugin --- ## NBM Plugin generates manifest ## BUILD...
As I understand it (or think I do), the ClassPath represents the ClassPath which contains the classes for which the persistence.xml file represents. The context where this is being used...