Hikmat Ullah
Hikmat Ullah
Check this code: It should work http://pastebin.com/gQYLWzET also add public $depends = [ 'yii\web\JqueryAsset', ]; in application asset php file
have you install the widget correctly!
please add "wbraganca/yii2-dynamicform": "*" in composer.json and update composer I doubt it is not install correctly.
please check if js for activeformdata is loaded correctly?
glad to hear that @alazgo
@solth I was able to run it locally in docker, I think 2-3 years back. I found this docker file. you can give it a try ``` FROM hseeberger/scala-sbt RUN...
you can give a try to this image https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/hikmat30ce/xslt-tester/general