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Support owc/1.0/
Just to make it sure, you really need this:
And not this:
Please confirm. OWC is "OGC Web Services Context Atom Standard", in RelaxNG.
Yes, your first link is correct. We would need JSON bindings for OWC 1.0.0 (OWS Context or OGC Web Services Context Document) which is the successor to WMC 1.1.0/1.0.0. For a short description see: http://www.ogcnetwork.net/context
Ok, thanks for the confirmation.
This is RelaxNG Compact, not an XML schema, I don't have aneough experience here - but I'll see what I can do.
It's appreciated, thanks! But don't spend too much time on it, as it is not critical for us right now. Also, I just found that there are also (Geo)JSON binding rules defined as XSLT in a OGC PER, see: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/owc.
I think Jsonix will be able to do this pretty well. I'll see what I can do.
If you happen to have examples of XML/JSON pairs that would be very helpful. There are XML examples here but would be good to have JSON as well. Maybe with this XSLT...
@torse As feared, everything's not easy:
- highsource/maven-jaxb2-plugin#42
which is due to
- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAXB-1065
Even worse than that:
- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAXB-1066
- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAXB-1067
So RELAXNG compilation does not work (at all), unfortunately.
The option here is to create and compile XML Schemas.
Ok, tried to convert this RELAXNG with trang (https://code.google.com/p/jing-trang/) to XSD. Got the following warnings. Not sure if that XSDs are safe to map?
$ java -jar trang-20091111/trang.jar owc/1.0.0/owc.rnc owc.xsd
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/owc.rnc:53:60: warning: choice between attributes and children cannot be represented; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/georss.rnc:39:16: warning: cannot represent required wildcard attribute; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/owc.rnc:87:12: warning: cannot represent required wildcard attribute; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/owc.rnc:88:9: warning: choice between attributes and children cannot be represented; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/atom_feed.rnc:26:44: warning: choice between attributes and children cannot be represented; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/atom_feed.rnc:173:22: warning: cannot represent required wildcard attribute; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/atom_feed.rnc:177:55: warning: choice between attributes and children cannot be represented; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/atom_feed.rnc:179:71: warning: choice between attributes and children cannot be represented; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/atom_feed.rnc:182:59: warning: choice between attributes and children cannot be represented; approximating
/local/schemas/owc/1.0.0/atom_feed.rnc:184:61: warning: choice between attributes and children cannot be represented; approximating
Not sure if this helps, but here are some related links..
XSL to transform the OWC XML to JSON: https://github.com/opengeospatial/owscontext/tree/master/json/dev/trax/xslt
JSON versions of the official OWC examples transform with the above XSL: https://github.com/opengeospatial/owscontext/tree/master/json/dev/trax/json
This would be good help, could you please send me the XSDs? I'll check bout the safety.
Please find the trang generated XSD of OWC attached..
On 27/02/15 15:03, Alexey Valikov wrote:
This would be good help, could you please send me the XSDs? I'll check bout the safety.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/highsource/ogc-schemas/issues/47#issuecomment-76398611.
@torse Would you please mail to valikov-at-gmx-net, attachment did not went through GitHub.
Ok, just converted.