node-export-server icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-export-server copied to clipboard

Different export results on the first and the second requests

Open hubaksis opened this issue 7 months ago • 1 comments

Expected behaviour

Export images are the same despite how many times I press 'Preview' button

Actual behaviour

Results are different

This is the first run: image

This is the second and all following runs (I am just pressing 'Preview' button again) image

I cannot reproduce this issue on the official server.

Reproduction steps

Code used for export (paste it to the Options - Highcharts configuration object box):

	"chart": {
		"type": "gauge"
	"title": {
		"text": "01 test",
		"enabled": false
	"subtitle": {
		"text": "some text",
		"enabled": false
	"xAxis": [{
			"id": null,
			"opposite": false,
			"title": {
				"text": "Time",
				"enabled": false
			"usePercentFormat": false,
			"type": "category",
			"categories": ["first category"],
			"plotBands": null
	"yAxis": [{
			"tickLength": 20,
			"id": "y0",
			"opposite": false,
			"title": {
				"text": "",
				"enabled": true
			"usePercentFormat": false,
			"plotBands": [{
					"from": 0,
					"to": 99.88244444444445,
					"color": "#E0E0E0",
					"thickness": 20
			"visible": true,
			"labels": {
				"distance": 25,
				"style": {
					"fontSize": "14px"
			"min": 0,
			"max": 99.88244444444445,
			"tickPixelInterval": 72,
			"tickPosition": "inside",
			"tickColor": "#FFFFFF",
			"tickWidth": 2,
			"minorTickInterval": 0,
			"lineWidth": 0
	"series": [{
			"name": "test",
			"data": [[0, 90.80222222222223]],
			"visible": true,
			"type": "gauge",
			"tooltip": {
				"valueSuffix": "%"
			"dataLabels": {
				"enabled": true,
				"format": "{y:,.2f}%"
			"allAreas": false,
			"marker": {
				"enabled": true
			"color": null,
			"dial": {
				"radius": "80%",
				"baseWidth": 12,
				"baseLength": "0%",
				"rearLength": "0%"
			"pivot": {
				"radius": 6
			"showInLegend": true,
			"mappieParentTotal": 0
	"credits": {
		"text": ""
	"pane": {
		"startAngle": -90,
		"endAngle": 89.9,
		"center": ["50%", "75%"],
		"background": null,
		"size": "95%"

For the container I am using docker with the following setup:

FROM node:lts-alpine
ENV NODE_ENV=production

RUN apk add --no-cache \
      chromium \
      nss \
      freetype \
      harfbuzz \
      ca-certificates \
      ttf-freefont \
      nodejs \
      yarn \

ENV PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/chromium-browser

USER root

RUN git clone && \
    chown -R node /node-export-server

WORKDIR /node-export-server

USER node 

RUN rm package-lock.json && \
    npm install -S  moment moment-timezone && \
    npm install

USER root
RUN npm link --unsafe-perm

WORKDIR /node-export-server

USER node
WORKDIR /node-export-server

#RUN sed -i "s/flowmap/flowmap','series-on-point/g" lib/schemas/config.js

ENTRYPOINT highcharts-export-server --enableServer 1 --port 7801 --allowFileResources 1 --allowCodeExecution 1

hubaksis avatar Jul 16 '24 04:07 hubaksis