Migration-Page icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Migration-Page copied to clipboard

A simple, hosted, customisable migration page service. 简单易用,可自定义的托管迁移页服务。

Migration Page - 迁移页

A simple, customisable, hosted migration page service.

Introductory Blog Post (Chinese) 介绍博文:

Demo 演示页面:https://migration.pages.dev

Demo Screenshot 演示屏幕截图

Servicing Domains 服务域名

Usage 用法


Parameters 参数

  • oldroot - your old domain 你的旧域名
  • newroot - your new domain 你的新域名
  • name - intended name for your site 你的站点名称
  • count - time interval before the redirection 重定向前倒数的秒数
  • location - relative url path for the redirection 重定向的相对路径
  • insecure - set to true to use the http protocol 设置为 true 以使用 http 协议

Placehoder values will be applied to absent variables. To avoid unwanted outcomes from the service, please always specify all variables, or modify and deploy the service on your own.


Deployment 部署

You are free to deploy this service for your own.

Simple Usage 普通用法

Simply download the migration-page.html file, modify it if needed, then host it yourself via a web server.
下载 migration-page.html 文件,如有需要对文件作修改,然后通过一个服务器托管它。

Commandline Download 命令行下载

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hifocus/Migration-Page/master/migration-page.html -O index.html

# For restricted network environments 在受限的网络环境下使用
# wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hifocus/Migration-Page/migration-page.html -O index.html

Advance Usage 进阶用法

Migration page could be use as a NPM package.
Migration Page 可被以一个 NPM 包的形式使用。

git clone https://github.com/hifocus/Migration-Page.git
npm install
npm run-script build

A compressed migration-page.html will be output to /docs folder.
一个被压缩的 migration-page.html 将会被输出到 /docs 目录。

You can use this feature to make ease for Serverless Hosting, Continuous Integration and your further development.

About 相关

This project is modified from on Dreamer-Paul/Emmm. The original author outlined some features of the base project which could be read from here.

The software is released under the MIT license.