flutter_callkit_incoming copied to clipboard
getDevicePushTokenVoIP() returns nothing
@hiennguyen92 First of all, thank you for this package! Great work!
I followed the PUSHKIT.md setup,
but when i call
await FlutterCallkitIncoming.getDevicePushTokenVoIP()
it returns just nothing.
I decided to check the correctness of my apple account / project settings and
called a similar function from other popular package –
and it returned me the token.
But in ConnectycubeFlutterCallKit there is on step before this –
Under the hood of this init() there is:
_eventChannel.receiveBroadcastStream().listen((rawData) {
print('[initEventsHandler] rawData: $rawData');
final eventData = Map<String, dynamic>.from(rawData);
And at the start of my app this print outputs:
flutter: [initEventsHandler] rawData:
event: voipToken,
args: {voipToken: F277A8518B45C2676FAD63804931CC62F4E48DE731E67AA7C0F4BD8DCA3DF991}
I compared it with your code and saw the same part of code – _eventChannel.receiveBroadcastStream():
static Stream<CallEvent?> get onEvent =>
But in your code at the start of my app there is no voipToken event happened, only events related to calls when i make one.
What i do wrong? How should i get the voip token?
@cofirazak Can you tell me how to push call voip in ios ? Are there anything help me to push call code or video ? Thanks .
@hiennguyen92 When i start my app, or even make a successful call – this method pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didUpdate credentials: PKPushCredentials, for type: PKPushType) is never triggered.
Should i call it manually somehow from my app?
Or it should be triggered automatically by flutter_callkit_incoming package
like in the connectycube_flutter_call_kit package it is triggered after
@Nazeer-Nageb Have you followed the PUSHKIT.md setup?
Here are instructions on how to setup and send voip.
@hiennguyen92 Please help me understand 1 moment:
This line of code is from method pushRegistry Should i call this method manually somehow from my app? If yes, then what api should i use to call this method?