Hidde Beydals

Results 53 issues of Hidde Beydals

We are [extensive](https://github.com/fluxcd/source-controller) [consumers](https://github.com/fluxcd/image-automation-controller) [of this library](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2) and besides the issue reported in #323, we have seen an increase of `empty git-upload-pack given` errors reported by our users since we...

In #219 we started capturing Helm logs, the output at present could however be improved to make it easier to distinguish lines and provide indicators about for example the time...

good first issue

Filled as a separate issue, but could be handled as part of #323. At present, and as also observed by [a drive-by contributor](https://github.com/fluxcd/helm-controller/issues/268#issuecomment-873905991), we do not always make true observations...


We are dropping Ginkgo across controllers for testing because it introduced a lot of complexity and a way of writing test no-one till date really liked. As a replacement, [`testenv`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/fluxcd/pkg/[email protected]/testenv)...


To facilitate better testing, and an easier to follow reconciliation flow, the current [`reconcileRelease`](https://github.com/fluxcd/helm-controller/blob/main/controllers/helmrelease_controller.go#L276) method should be split out into separate (logical) units that deal with separate stages of the...


As [part of the refactor work to set out some standards for the controllers that are part of the Flux family](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/issues/1601), the `pkg/runtime` helpers and interfaces should be implemented to...


To be able to provide values by other means than in-lining them in the `HelmRelease` resource. We want to provide users with the option to reference to values in `ConfigMap`...


At present we are advertising a SHA2 in the `Checksum` field of an `Artifact`. To make this more future proof, and e.g. allow people to switch from SHA2 to BLAKE3....


This adds a Unix suffix to the HelmChart Artifact filename, to ensure it is unique for sequential builds triggered due to e.g. a controller restart. The result of this is...


At present, the Artifact file name (and thus URL) is composed out of _just_ chart metadata. Due to the way Helm chart builds are not reproducable, this may cause issues...
