@BusyJay @gengliqi @Little-Wallace PTAL.
> Log term should also be checked. How about maintain terms with a `Vec
I find some benchmarks about `ProgressSet`s use some internal APIs. Is it better to move those benchmarks to source code file? I guess it's helpful to clean our APIs.
It could cause some messages contain more entries than `max_batch_size`. But I guess no overflow issue is introduced. I think the behavior needs to be changed.
When a peer becomes leader, it will reset `next_idx` to `last_index + 1` for all followers. So I think it's OK?
@haraldng thanks for your report. It's expected that `FinalizeMembershipChange` occurs multi times, so you needs to handle the error returned by `finalize_membership_change` by yourself. The reason is `FinalizeMembershipChange` is appended...
Please also take a look at https://github.com/lni/dragonboat/issues/106.
@egmkang can you fix DCO check? It's required to use `git commit -s` option.