Is there a way to solve the "ffi.callback() cause MemoryError on macOS M1" and allow soundfile to continue to use the ABI mode of CFFI? The CPython and PyPy ecosystems...
libsndfile 1.2.2 is now merged to the vcpkg master: The merge was on 2023.10.24, so it missed the 2023.10.19 release.
libsndfile 1.2.2 is now available in the latest vcpkg release:
@jonmcclintock - This package may suit your needs: It can be as simple to use as simpleaudio with the default sound device, but it is also very flexible, such...
@Maratyszcza , I don't understand your last comment. Since I'm using Windows, I'm using `yeppp.dll`, not a `.so` library. Since Julia doesn't presently use BinDeps, each user must copy the...
@Maratyszcza , thanks for the clarification. @Keno , My CPU meter showed that MKL is multi-threaded with Python. I included this aspect in the comment for each test in the...
When Julia is built without any BLAS library, which library is used for dot products? If Yeppp provides a faster dot product than the existing non-BLAS method, then the base...