hibiya (김종이)

Results 46 comments of hibiya (김종이)

Column header texts are defined in translation file, however I'm planning to support customize translations.

Fixed (temporally) by updating `mksquashfs` and: ``` ln -s `which mksquashfs` ~/.cache/electron-builder/appimage/appimage-9.1.0/linux-arm/mksquashfs ln -s `which desktop-file-validate` ~/.cache/electron-builder/appimage/appimage-9.1.0/linux-arm/desktop-file-validate ``` I'm not sure just uploading these binaries is fine.

I've reproduced this issue, seems related to ACT's window size - if it's (any odd number)px, scale slider doesn't stay at 1.000 point, so causing this. reproduced at 1045px, coudln't...

we could utilize `iTXt` field of png file (idk on gif but there's should be) for this feature, for * easy i18n of alt text * seamless implementation? * convenience...

thanks for informing, however, OverlayPlugin going to deprecate since I (and other C# devs) can't keep up with this codebase and structure. there's some replacements, like ACTWebSocket+OverlayProcess, unreleased [Aliapoh.Overlay](https://github.com/lalafellsleep/Aliapoh.Overlay).

dependency of kagerou will not be changed, since kagerou isn't implemented only for OverlayPlugin. kagerou will run anywhere with it's compatible environment even on normal browser. (for example - [idyllshi.re/dps](https://idyllshi.re/dps)...