Flutter-Apps-Collection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Flutter-Apps-Collection copied to clipboard

This is a repository of a collection of apps made in flutter


This is a repository of a collection of apps made in flutter for learning purpose

Some Screenshots

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Apps build in Flutter (Source Code)

You should follow this Sequence if you are learning from this repository

  1. Flutter Login UI

  2. Flutter Calculator

  3. Flutter Chat UI

  4. Flutter KryptoKoin

  5. Flutter API Request

  6. Flutter Drawer App

  7. Flutter Snackbar Widget

  8. Flutter CryptoKoin- using MVP and Dependency Injection

  9. Flutter SwipeToDismiss

  10. Flutter Clipping

  11. Flutter Music App

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This repository contains links of all the example apps demonstrating examples in Flutter application development.

Created & Maintained By

Himanshu Singh (Insta)