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Node.js client/server library for the E1.31 (sACN) protocol

Results 11 e131-node issues
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Using node red, i encountered an issue where slotsdata contains priority info. payload with priority (values equaling 1) `10 Jul 10:39:46 - [info] [debug:bb13e6a0.6360b8] ` payload with intensity `10 Jul...

When creating a new server using the e131.Server function and passing in an array of more than 20 universes, the application crashes with the following error: ``` Error: addMembership ENOBUFS...

From the Packet class, the slot data from the DMP Layer is made available, however, the DMX Start code is not. Please create a function in the Packet Class to...

If the destination IP address is undefined when the client is created, then use the universe number to determine the multicast address to send the packet to.

This PR introduces `server.addUniverses(universes)` and `server.dropUniverses(universes)` methods to add and remove universes the server listens for at runtime.

Hi, could you add RDM support please?

Error [ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND]: Unable to send data at Socket.onListenError (dgram.js:386:22) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:285:13) at Socket.emit (events.js:197:13) at state.handle.lookup (dgram.js:301:14) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/next_tick.js:76:17) Emitted 'error' event at: at Socket.onListenError (dgram.js:386:8) at Object.onceWrapper...

When running on a machine with multiple network interfaces only the primary interface works. Im my use case sACN is on an isolated network. This can be fixed by specifying...
