motion-canvas-component-library-template icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
motion-canvas-component-library-template copied to clipboard

A template repo that brings in some of the standards of Motion Canvas to allow easily making component libraries for Motion Canvas.

My First Motion Canvas Component Library

Using this library

From git

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run npm install <path to this repo> in your motion canvas project

From npm

  1. Run npm install <library name here>

Why use this repo?

This repo gives you a couple benefits over starting from scratch:

  • The same linting options as main motion-canvas code, which helps to keep the community on the same page.
  • A build pipeline in place with:
    • automatic watch support, allowing you to develop quickly
    • automatic compilation and splitting for your TypeScript, allowing it to be used in a variety of environments.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run git remote add upstream to gain the ability to update when this repo gets enhancements (via git pull upstream main)
  3. Update the package name in package.json and run npm install. I recommend something like @username/library-name.
  4. Update the UMD name of this package in rollup.config.mjs
  5. Update the title of this README.
  6. Run npm run watch -- this will create some files in the lib folder for you, and rebuild them here when you make changes.
  7. Start developing a component in the src folder, and make sure that it's exported from the index.ts file.
  8. Run npm install <path to this repo> in a motion canvas project -- this will add a link to this repo in your project.
  9. Import components from this library and verify that they work:
import {SwitchComponent} from '@username/library-name';

Publishing to NPM

  1. Run npm run build one last time.
  2. Verify that the package works when installed with npm install <path to this repo>.
  3. Run npm publish --access public. You may have to authenticate if this is your first time publishing a package.