mm_manager copied to clipboard
Initialization with USR 5637
Hello, I'm trying to get this to work with a USR 5637, and firmware NPA1F01.
First issue I have is that the init string doesn't seem to get applied properly. I know this because using the proposed init string ATE=1 S0=4 S7=3 &D2 +MS=Bell212A
, the modem never answers. If instead after mm_manager is launched, I connect using screen and set these settings manually the modem behaves as expected.
However, even when the modem is seemingly initialized properly after manual intervention, I am stuck with the following error.
$ mm_manager -m -u -n 18885556300 -f /dev/ttyACM0 -vvv \
-l mm_manager.log -p mm_manager.pcap \
-i 'ATE=1 S0=4 S7=30 &D2 +MS=Bell212A'
mm_manager v0.8 [dev] - (c) 2020-2023, Howard M. Harte
Sending UDP packets to
Default Table directory: tables/default
Terminal-specific Table directory: tables/<terminal_id>
Using access code: 2727378
Using key card number: 4012888888
Manager Inter-packet Tx gap: 100ms.
Using Primary NCC number: 18885556300
Using Secondary NCC number: 18885556300
Baud Rate: 19200
Resetting modem: 'ATZ'
Intializing modem: 'ATE=1 S0=4 S7=30 &D2 +MS=Bell212A'
Modem initialized.
Waiting for call from terminal...
2024-02-03 0:22:52: Ringing...
2024-02-03 0:22:54: Ringing...
2024-02-03 0:22:56: Ringing...
2024-02-03 0:22:58: Ringing...
2024-02-03 0:23:10: Connected!
receive_mm_packet: CRC Error!
receive_mm_packet: Framing Error!
T-->M RX: flags=34 [ DIS | ERR | REQ | RETRY | Seq:0], len= 8 (datalen= 3), crc=0109.
*** CRC Error, calculated: 260a ***
*** Framing Error, expected STOP=0x03, got STOP=44 ***
000: 31, 61, 55, 1aU
T-->M RX: flags=34 [ DIS | ERR | REQ | RETRY | Seq:0], len= 8 (datalen= 3), crc=0109.
*** CRC Error, calculated: 260a ***
*** Framing Error, expected STOP=0x03, got STOP=44 ***
000: 31, 61, 55, 1aU
receive_mm_packet: Received disconnect status Failure from terminal.
receive_mm_packet: Hanging up modem.
T-->M RX: flags=34 [ DIS | ERR | REQ | RETRY | Seq:0], len= 8 (datalen= 3), crc=0109.
*** CRC Error, calculated: 260a ***
*** Framing Error, expected STOP=0x03, got STOP=44 ***
000: 31, 61, 55, 1aU
2024-02-03 0:23:21: Terminal : Disconnected.
2024-02-03 0:25:17: Carrier lost.
I've tried adding B1
, &N2
, and M0
to the init, all to no avail. I always get the exact same result.
Attached the resulting log (the pcap is empty): mm_manager.log.
Turns out that echo is enabled by default after ATZ, but ATE=1 behaves very strangely on my modem. It actually turns off echo and sets S0=1. This is true with two different firmware revisions as well. I removed ATE=1 from the init, and now I get much further into the process (though it is currently still failing with CRC errors, they are now different each time).