storybook-addon-figma copied to clipboard
Figma panel overrides all panels
I can't combine this with other decorators... Am I doing something wrong?
storiesOf("Button", module)
"with text",
() => (
onClick={action("button clicked")}
disabled={boolean("Disabled", false)}
{text("Label", "Click me!")}
{ notes: { markdown: "# Button\n\n >Does some *cool* stuff!" } }
But the Notes, Knobs and Viewports panels all just show the same figma file:
I'm also seeing this problem.
Seeing this as well. I will probably uninstall until this is resolved.
I'm was also experiencing this - and it was really annoying.
simple solution for now was to make sure it was the last entry in addons.js:
import '@storybook/addon-knobs/register';
import '@storybook/addon-actions/register';
import 'storybook-addon-figma/register';
This is still happening and the solution from darrencrossley didn't work for me, so I created a manager-head.html file in my storybook folder and added the following:
#storybook-panel-root>div:nth-child(2) > div {
background: white;
It just sets the background color of the tab pages to white so they don't 'leak through'.
Same happening with me, and order fix didn't work for me
I fixed it on my fork (not planning to submit PR since the package is not being maintained)
I also needed vue support, so I forked from #4 and fixed this issue from there.
If you need it you can install it from my fork ( npm i\#0.1.1 -D
@hharnisc is it possible that we could get an official update to fix this issue where the figma tab is always showing on every other addon tab? We would love to just be able to install from the official source.