Leaflet.MultiOptionsPolyline copied to clipboard
Make it compitable with leaflet 1.2.0
I´ve pushed this to typescript and modified it a bit to make it compitable with leaflet 1.2.0
Hi @mathisloge Many thanks for your contribution. I have to check a few things until I can merge this PR.
- build process
- demo
- umd type generation (AMD clients are broken currently)
- convert functions to fat-arrow functions
- add more typings and documentation
- think about next version number (1.1 or 2.0) -> semver. (check/test compatibility with older version)
Please stay tuned, because I'm quite busy at the moment. If you like, you can proceed.
Danke für die schnelle Antwort und für dein Projekt Bin leider im englischen (schreiben) nicht so gut.
Demo etc. habe ich noch nicht angepasst. Könnte mich in ~2 Wochen auch näher damit beschäftigen. In meinem Projekt läuft das erstmal so sehr gut.
Zudem sollte auch der Name in der package.json angepasst werden. Da gibt es mittlerweile ja auch neue Richtlinien, lower-case, und nur Bindestriche, meines Wissens nach
Hi @mathisloge,
I've tried to get this running with rollup and UMD-output.
But I suppose it's a bit of a problem because Leaflet has its own inheritance (Class.extend
) opposed to TypeScript / ES6 classes. This might not be a problem for MultiOptionsPolyline class, but this won't work for other types where constructors have parameters.
TypeScript is really nice, but it's not easy to extend a library not written in TypeScript or ES6.
What do you think?
I´ll check that next week 👍
Now i´ve added umd generation to my rollup.config.js. Another Question: what does the function "copyBaseOptions" it seems a bit useless.
Currently i have commented it out. The demo works anyway. It seems to work with leaflet 1.0.0 too.