Hannah Frick

Results 58 comments of Hannah Frick

Hi, thank you for the feature request / PR offer! That looks interesting! I'll leave the issue open and we can look into this in more detail when the rOpenSci...

Thanks for the suggestion! Let's see what the maintainer of `icenReg` says. Are you interested only in this particular implementation or interval-censored Cox models more general? It is not one...

The [CRAN Task View for survival](https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Survival.html) also lists the [ICsurv](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ICsurv) package for interval-censored Cox models but this hasn't been updated in a long while. Are you currently fitting those models...

Ah, I think I understand better now. The resulting hazards predictions for the Cox model would be a different prediction type in censored (`type = "hazard"`). So that's not a...

Hey @brunocarlin! Apologies that it has taken a while to get back to you! I've been meaning to return to this PR but haven't found the bandwidth for it. We...

note to self: add any additional learnings from this to the checklist for adding an engine to what is currently here: https://github.com/tidymodels/tidymodels/pull/97

Thanks for trying out censored! :raised_hands: Getting survival analysis to work smoothly with tidymodels requires changes in various places across tidymodels, i.e. more than censored. To get a workflow to...

Hi Terry, thank you for the feedback! We are all out of office this week but will respond once we're back.

Thanks for the understanding! Regarding the centering of the linear predictor: I've read through the Details section of `?predict.coxph` which also brings up the numeric over/underflow > Second, downstream calculations...

Given that censored is an extension package for parnsip, there is a lot more documentation on parsnip than on censored. The parnsip pkgdown site at https://parsnip.tidymodels.org contains a Get Started...