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demo error(KeyError: 'module name can\'t contain "."')
!python demo.py --dataroot ./facades/nat_new4 --valDataroot ./facades/nat_new4 --netG ./models/netG_epoch_8.pth %time
Namespace(annealEvery=400, annealStart=0, batchSize=1, beta1=0.5, dataroot='./facades/nat_new4', dataset='pix2pix', display=5, evalIter=500, exp='sample', imageSize=1024, inputChannelSize=3, lambdaGAN=0.01, lambdaIMG=1, lrD=0.0002, lrG=0.0002, mode='B2A', ndf=64, netD='', netG='./models/netG_epoch_8.pth', ngf=64, niter=400, originalSize=1024, outputChannelSize=3, poolSize=50, valBatchSize=1, valDataroot='./facades/nat_new4', wd=0.0, workers=1)
Random Seed: 6918
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torchvision/transforms/transforms.py:211: UserWarning: The use of the transforms.Scale transform is deprecated, please use transforms.Resize instead.
"please use transforms.Resize instead.")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo.py", line 128, in
this is cause by pytorch version . you can try 1.13
@arpita739 could you share the weight download link, i can not download the weight from google
I avoided this by simply making 'KeyError("module name can't contain "."")' an annotation in torch.nn.modules.module. This semantic requirement of pytorch seems meaningless.
Change '. 'to' _ '