https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/java-in-process-agent#auto-collected-metrics https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/wiki/Default-Metrics-Captured-by-Java-3.0-Agent we do documented auto-collected metrics. hope this will clear your confusion.
Thanks, a good point. We will make that link available in the public azure docs. I've created a work item to track it [#12103176](https://msazure.visualstudio.com/One/_sprints/taskboard/TelReachSDKTeam/One/CY2021H2%20-%20Nickel/Monthly/Oct?workitem=12103176). > I think the scenario I...
@lidkowiak confirmed. we will add that feature to turn off custom metrics, metrics and perf counters collected by default. [work item](https://msazure.visualstudio.com/One/_sprints/taskboard/TelReachSDKTeam/One/CY2021H2%20-%20Nickel/Monthly/Oct?workitem=12103953)
@trask do we still need this change? I can change the PR to be based off master..
I'm curious to know which version of agent were you testing against? Did you try the latest GA/BETA version?
i'm working on a debug startup profiler.. so that you can provide thread dump to us for further debugging. we're not able to repro it.
@Sachin1O1 can you use this [3.2.6-BETA-SNAPSHOT](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/suites/5211368559/artifacts/159421586) and help us collect thread dump from your app? Please set `-Dapplicationinsights.debug.startupProfiling` to `true `in your jvm arguments: ` java -javaagent:applicationinsights-agent-3.2.6-BETA-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dapplicationinsights.debug.startupProfiling=true`. Let it...
@Sachin1O1 i updated the snapshot link above. earlier version was no good. please give it a try and get back to us when you can. thanks.
we fixed the following warning in 3.2.6 GA. Please try 3.2.6 GA. StartupProfiler is available in that release as well. `2022-02-11 13:27:10.002Z WARN c.m.a.a.i.telemetry.ConnectionString - Missing Statsbeat 'InstrumentationKey'`
i also double checked the NPE iin StartupProfiler.. it's inside a for loop. i definitely recommend you trying out the 3.2.6 GA version and let us know how it goes....