
Results 86 comments of Helen

@sharebear operation_Name is not part of the customDimensions. Which table were you querying for? can you try to project these 4 fields in your query and then share with me...

In the meantime, i will try to repro it noticing it was for App Service Plan Function app.

@sharebear We will work with Azure Function Team to address the duplicate logs. `customDimensions | {"LoggingLevel":"INFO","SourceType":"Logger"}` is from Java Agent. `customDimensions | {"HostInstanceId":"","InvocationId":"","ProcessId":"18","LogLevel":"Information","Category":"Function..User"}` is from Azure Functions Host. I've created...

> can you add metric verification to the `HttpServer4xx` test to verify that we are handling the 4xx configuration setting correctly for metrics? can i leave that to a diff...

``` { "instrumentation": { "jms": { "enabled": false } } ``` have you tried this? this will disable all jms metrics, perf counters.

another option you can try is using [metrics filtering](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/java-standalone-telemetry-processors#metric-filter). this allows you to filter out unwanted metrics.

[default metrics and perf counter collected by 3.x agent](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/wiki/Default-Metrics-Captured-by-Java-3.0-Agent). you can use [metrics filtering](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/java-standalone-telemetry-processors#metric-filter) to filter both perf counter and custom metrics. i don't believe we use jvm to define...

fyi: some metrics specific to jvm are like the following: none of these matched what you had above. | jvm_memory_used |     | jvm_buffer_memory_used |     | jvm_threads_states |     | jvm_memory_committed |    ...

here is an example how to use metric filter: ``` { "preview": { "processors": [ { "type": "metric-filter", "exclude": { "matchType": "strict", "metricNames": [ "a_test_metric", "another_test_metric" ] } } ]...

You can disable micrometer by doing the following: ``` { "instrumentation": { "micrometer": { "enabled": false } } } ``` do you want to turn off metrics and perf counter...