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Simulate quantization and quantization aware training for MXNet-Gluon models.

Quantization on MXNet

Quantization is one of popular compression algorithms in deep learning now. More and more hardwares and softwares support quantization, but as we know, it is troublesome that they usually adopt different strategies to quantize.

Here is a tool to help developers simulate quantization with various strategies(signed or unsigned, bits width, one-side distribution or not, etc). What's more, quantization aware train is also provided, which will help you recover performance of quantized models, especially for compact ones like MobileNet.

  • Simulate quantization
    • Usage
    • Results
  • Quantization Aware Training
    • Usage
    • Results
    • Deploy to third-party platform
      • ncnn

Simulate quantization

A tool is provided to simulate quantization for CNN models.


For example, simulate quantization for mobilnet1.0,

cd examples
python simulate_quantization.py --model=mobilnet1.0
  • Per-layer, per-group, per-channel quantizations are supported now.
  • For FullyConnection layer, per-group and per-channel both mean that weights wil be grouped by units.
  • Only min-max linear range is supported yet.
  • You can specify bit-width for input-quantization and weight-quantization.
  • Quantize input online and offline are both supported.
  • Calibrate via update EMA for input_max or KL-divergence on subset of trainset for input offline-quantization.
  • All pretrained models are provided by gluon-cv.
  • More usages see the help message.
    (base) yahei@Server3:~/tmp/Quantization.MXNet/examples$ python simulate_quantization.py -h
    usage: simulate_quantization.py [-h] [--model MODEL] [--print-model]
                                    [--list-models] [--use-gpu USE_GPU]
                                    [--dataset {imagenet,cifar10}] [--use-gn]
                                    [--batch-norm] [--use-se] [--last-gamma]
                                    [--weight-bits-width WEIGHT_BITS_WIDTH]
                                    [--input-signed INPUT_SIGNED]
                                    [--input-bits-width INPUT_BITS_WIDTH]
                                    [--quant-type {layer,group,channel}]
                                    [-j NUM_WORKERS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                                    [--num-sample NUM_SAMPLE]
                                    [--calib-mode {naive,kl}]
                                    [--calib-epoch CALIB_EPOCH]
                                    [--disable-cudnn-autotune] [--eval-per-calib]
                                    [--exclude-first-conv {false,true}]
                                    [--fixed-random-seed FIXED_RANDOM_SEED]
                                    [--wino_quantize {none,F23,F43,F63}]
    Simulate for quantization.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --model MODEL         type of model to use. see vision_model for options.
      --print-model         print the architecture of model.
      --list-models         list all models supported for --model.
      --use-gpu USE_GPU     run model on gpu. (default: cpu)
      --dataset {imagenet,cifar10}
                            dataset to evaluate (default: imagenet)
      --use-gn              whether to use group norm.
      --batch-norm          enable batch normalization or not in vgg. default is
      --use-se              use SE layers or not in resnext. default is false.
      --last-gamma          whether to init gamma of the last BN layer in each
                            bottleneck to 0.
      --merge-bn            merge batchnorm into convolution or not. (default:
      --weight-bits-width WEIGHT_BITS_WIDTH
                            bits width of weight to quantize into.
      --input-signed INPUT_SIGNED
                            quantize inputs into int(true) or uint(fasle).
                            (default: false)
      --input-bits-width INPUT_BITS_WIDTH
                            bits width of input to quantize into.
      --quant-type {layer,group,channel}
                            quantize weights on layer/group/channel. (default:
      -j NUM_WORKERS, --num-data-workers NUM_WORKERS
                            number of preprocessing workers (default: 4)
      --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                            evaluate batch size per device (CPU/GPU). (default:
      --num-sample NUM_SAMPLE
                            number of samples for every class in trainset.
                            (default: 5)
                            calibrate via EMA on trainset and quantize input
      --calib-mode {naive,kl}
                            how to calibrate inputs. (default: naive)
      --calib-epoch CALIB_EPOCH
                            number of epoches to calibrate via EMA on trainset.
                            (default: 3)
                            disable mxnet cudnn autotune to find the best
                            convolution algorithm.
      --eval-per-calib      evaluate once after every calibration.
      --exclude-first-conv {false,true}
                            exclude first convolution layer when quantize.
                            (default: true)
      --fixed-random-seed FIXED_RANDOM_SEED
                            set random_seed for numpy to provide reproducibility.
                            (default: 7)
      --wino_quantize {none,F23,F43,F63}
                            quantize weights for Conv2D in Winograd domain
                            (default: none)


IN dtype IN offline WT dtype WT qtype Merge BN w/o 1st conv M-Top1 Acc R-Top1 Acc
float32 / float32 / / 73.28% 77.36%
uint8 x int8 layer 44.57% 55.97%
uint8 x int8 layer 70.84% 76.92%
uint8 naive int8 layer 70.92% 76.90%
uint8 KL int8 layer 70.72% 77.00%
int8 naive int8 layer 70.58% 76.81%
int8 KL int8 layer 70.66% 76.71%
int8 x int8 layer 15.21% 76.62%
int8 naive int8 layer 32.70% 76.61%
int8 KL int8 layer 14.70% 76.60%
uint8 x int8 channel 47.80% 56.21%
uint8 x int8 channel 72.93% 77.33%
uint8 naive int8 channel 72.85% 77.31%
uint8 KL int8 channel 72.68% 77.35%
int8 naive int8 channel 72.63% 77.22%
int8 KL int8 channel 72.68% 77.08%
int8 x int8 channel 72.75% 77.11%
int8 naive int8 channel 72.04% 76.69%
int8 KL int8 channel 72.67% 77.07%
  • IN: INput, WT: WeighT
  • M-Top1 Acc: Top-1 Acc of MobileNetv1-1.0, R-Top1 Acc: Top-1 Acc of ResNet50-v1
  • Inputs is usually quantized into unsigned int with one-side distribution since outputs of ReLU >= 0.
  • When quantize inputs offline, the range of input is calibrated thrice on subset of trainset, which contains 5000 images(5 per class).
  • Merge BatchNorm before quantization seams terrible for per-layer because some max(abs(weight)) would be much larger after merge bn.
  • Convolutions and FullyConnections are both quantized.
  • Without fake_bn, calibrate input_max via EMA and KL-divergence both recover acc well. But with fake_bn, calibrate via KL-divergence seems better than EMA.

Compare naive-calibration and KL-calibration

Tested Model: cifar_resnet56_v1 (MERGE BN)

IN dtype WT dtype WT qtype Merge BN w/o 1st conv Top1 Acc@naive Top1 Acc@KL
float32 float32 / / 93.60% 93.60%
uint6 int6 channel 93.09% 93.83%
uint5 int5 channel 92.71% 93.29%
uint4 int4 channel 91.62% 89.27%
uint3 int3 channel 81.75% 55.98%

It seems that KL-divergence calibration performs terrible when quantize into very low-bit, and naive-calibration may be much better at this time.

Quantization Aware Training

Reproduce works in paper arXiv:1712.05877 with the implement of MXNet.


  1. Construct your gluon model. For example,
    from mxnet.gluon.model_zoo.vision import mobilenet1_0
    net = mobilenet1_0(pretrained=True)
  2. Convert the model to fake-quantized edtion. For example,
    from quantize.convert import convert_model
    exclude = [...]     # the blocks that you don't want to quantize
                        # such as the first conv
    convert_fn = {...}
    convert_model(net, exclude)
    # convert_model(net, exclude, convert_fn)   # if need specify converter
    By default,
    1. Convert Conv2D
      1. Quantize inputs into uint8 with one-side distribution.
      2. Quantize weights(per-layer) with simple strategy of max-min into int8.
      3. Without fake batchnorm.
    2. Convert Dense
      1. Quantize inputs into uint8 with one-side distribution.
      2. Quantize weights(per-layer) with simple strategy of max-min into int8.
    3. Do nothing for BatchNorm and Activiation(ReLU).
    4. Note that if you use fake_bn, bypass_bn must be set for BatchNorm layer.
  3. Initialize all quantized parameters.
    from quantize.initialize import qparams_init
  4. Train as usual. Note that you should update ema data after forward.
    with autograd.record():
        outputs = net(X)
        loss = loss_func(outputs, y)
    net.update_ema()   # update ema for input and fake batchnorm
    # trainer.step(batch_size, ignore_stale_grad=True)   # if bypass bn
    What's more, you can also switch enable/disable quantize input online/offline as follow:
    net.quantize_input(enable=True, online=True)
    or enable/disable quantization --


Retrain low-bit quantized cifar_resnet56_v1

I've tested cifar_resnet56_v1 with Adam(lr=1e-6) optimizer and the same augments as gluoncv on CIFAR10 dataset.

DataType QuantType Offline Retrain FakeBN Top-1 Acc
fp32/fp32 / / / / 93.60%
uint4/int4 layer naive 84.95%
uint4/int4 layer KL 73.36%
uint4/int4 layer 90.77%
uint4/int4 channel naive 91.62%
uint4/int4 channel KL 89.27%
uint4/int4 channel 93.19%
  • The first convolution layer is excluded when quantize.
  • Weights are quantized into int4 while inputs uint4.
  • Only subset of trainset which contained 5000 images (500 per class) is used when calibrate.

Deploy to third-party platform


ncnn only support int8-inference for caffe model yet, so you should convert your model to caffemodel with GluonConverter at first.
Generate scales table just as examples/mobilenet_gluon2ncnn.ipynb does and convert caffemodel to ncnnmodel with caffe2ncnn tool which is provided by ncnn.
Note that, in ncnn,

  1. Both weights and inputs(activations) are quantized into int8.
  2. BatchNorm should be fused into Convolution before you calculate scales for weights(retrain with fake_bn may help recover accuracy).
  3. Per-channel quantization is used.

More details refer to

  1. (2019.01.23) MXNet上的重训练量化 | Hey~YaHei!
  2. (2019.07.23) 线性量化 | Hey~YaHei