Hexa icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Hexa copied to clipboard

:bowtie: Compiler, standard library & backends


Her name is [geksa]

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Hexa is a high level, strictly typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript and native apps

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Key features of Hexa

  • JavaScript-inspired syntax and behavior, feel yourself like at home!
  • Native performance with static types and optimizing compiler
  • Follows node.js (and browser) API
  • Fast compilation
  • Compiles to JavaScript, WebAssembly, osdev, LLVM, C, C++, ObjC, ... you name it! (WIP)
  • Transpilation to almost anything: Lua, AutoCAD Lisp, C#, PHP, etc (WIP)
  • Transpilation produce human-readable code for all targets
  • Null safety, crash resistance, pattern matching, classes (WIP)
  • Real multithreading, parallelism, async\await, no GC (WIP)
  • Smart type inference makes other typed languages look boring
  • Friendly and helpful error messages
  • Supports #!shebang and scripting (just call hexa script.hexa)
  • REPL (enable with just hexa command)
  • Metaprogramming with syntax-tree, generics and contracts (WIP)
  • Completely cross-platform

WIP — Work in progress, coming soon


  • kawaii is the development branch and accepts pull requests
  • artifacts are built from each kawaii commit and pull requests



Tools & IDE



You need to download latest long-term Node.js LTS. The Hexa Compiler is written in Hexa itself. Pre-built compiler (bootstrapper) already included in the repo.

git clone --recursive --depth 100 https://github.com/hexalang/hexa.git
cd hexa
node bootstrap.js hexa.json
# This results in a `hexa-node.js` file in the root of the repo
# Call `node hexa-node.js project.json` to build your projects

Optionally to build .exe and add icon:

npm i -g nexe

Learn more about compiler development


See LICENSE files for full license texts and headers of each file (files in same directory may use different licensing models). If license is not mentioned in header then LICENSE file in upper directory level to be considered.

Compiler and some tools are under Lesser GPL 3.0 (feel free to include as a library in closed source projects), standard libraries and examples are under MIT.