Michel Couillard

Results 99 comments of Michel Couillard

`mdcDatetimePickerDefaultLocale.setDefaultLocale()` will be deprecated, please use: ``` mdcDefaultParams({ lang: $scope.selectedLang, cancelText: $translate.instant('CANCEL'), todayText: $translate.instant('TODAY') }); ```

Duplicate of #92 But I prefer to keep both of them to be backward compatible.

@tokidoki11 This repo is not updated often. You can safely use our [fork](https://github.com/beenote/angular-material-datetimepicker). Our main project is in production running with ng-material-datetimepicker 1.6.2. There is no breaking changes I know...

Is this enough? From PR #99 ``` var isElectron = window && window.process && window.process.type; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['moment'], ngMaterialDatePicker); } else if (typeof module...

Ok please test [v1.6.6](https://github.com/beenote/angular-material-datetimepicker)

@ptitdam2001 is this ok?

The first part and the bigger one is built with md-dialog... I'm not sure if it's worth the time and effort.

@bhargavmullakuru first, double check the [demo](https://github.com/logbon72/angular-material-datetimepicker/blob/master/index.html). Then, what dependencies/version are you using? Browser? OS ? Code example please...

@bhargavmullakuru since this commit https://github.com/logbon72/angular-material-datetimepicker/commit/fc51fcaa7c5abefa70ef09a0c3d4a9ca25efbb75, AngularJS 1.5.x is the minimum. I wanted to implement the new $onInit lifecycle for AngularJS 1.6, there is also another workaround https://github.com/logbon72/angular-material-datetimepicker/issues/80. Can you update...