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Add Tutorial Setup-ha-etcd-Cluster
I have read and understood the Contributor's Certificate of Origin available at the end of and I hereby certify that I meet the contribution criteria described in it. Signed-off-by: Patrick Omland [email protected]
Das Tutorial wird im laufe der Zeit noch ins Englische übersetzt, da ich kein fließendes Englisch spreche brauche ich dazu etwas. Ich wünsche trotzdem viel Spaß damit. :)
If you're not fluent in English, but you have a great tutorial to share in a different language, please reach out to us. We are open to the possibility of making exceptions for specific tutorials.
Exception granted here?
@leojakeson please take a look
This tutorial is very similar to this one: Set up a High Availability etcd Cluster with kubeadm