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Hestia Control Panel | A lightweight and powerful control panel for the modern web.

Results 229 hestiacp issues
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Most test are already covered by other systems anyway

Has been replaced by a better method over 2 years ago. It was only used by v-add-web-php to see if we support this version or not Has been replaced by...

**Describe the bug** I just tried to email my db creds to my email thats on the hestiacp platform. It has always worked before but doesn't go through now **NOTE:...

### Describe the bug When you create a new email account and enter a notification email, the password does not appear in the notification email. However, if you edit an...


+ #2048 Sending Email Creds or Welcome Email no longer works on Proxmox LXC Containers

### Describe the bug i have a lot of undefind Errors in my log and also Deprcated Warnings - PHP Warning: Undefined array key "v_debug_mode" in /usr/local/hestia/web/edit/server/index.php on line 422...


### Describe the feature or change in detail There is a set of scripts at https://github.com/ramirojoaquin/vestacp-borg-incremental-backups - could its functionality be made available in the UI? The current backup solutions...


### Describe the feature or change in detail We would like to set a mail quota per package, something like 50 mails a day for basic users, to forestall abuse...


I wish there was a string in the /usr/local/hestia/web/templates/includes/panel.html for those who have installed the CSF firewall so as not to have to edit this file (panel.html) after each update....
