Mahesh Madhav
Mahesh Madhav
It's been a few months. Just checking, is this worthy of merging to mainline? Thanks!
2.5 years later, is there an update? Where can we find the source to Tscan? I would like to build a binary for aarch64. Thanks.
That is unfortunate, since the example grep command would take a long time for large graphs. Instead, with the patch above the user could just run... `mv WikiVoke.txt WikiVote.el` ...and...
This should apply to whisper.cpp as well, right? Since it is for a ggml model...
Model is hallucinating. You can improving the behavior by trying `-bo 7` or some number larger than the default of 5. The other thing is to try building with a...
Thank you for your insights. I think this is still the best tool for our purposes. Could you share some insights on how I can relax the comparison to be...
Thank you! I will play around with this. I tried a couple values of LENIENCY and the failure above turned into: LENIENCY=0.5: ``` Test vector PASSES Opus quality metric: 31.2...
Everyone will build with the same options, and everyone will run opus with the same flags. So, it is the second one you mention: making sure that the math is...
I collected data on two of the many-core server systems I have in my lab, both aarch64. I used a Chinese audio file which is 73 seconds long, and tested...
Update: changing the threshold worked for us, and allowed benchmark output verification to succeed on a myriad of systems and compilers. I acknowledge that opus_compare is very strict in it's...