LSTM-CRF copied to clipboard
What's the principle of the sum of embedding vector as feature template score ?
, you add feature template
, if I am right, the implementation is line 116,
scores = feat_sum + tf.matmul(outputs, self.W) + self.b
where feat_sum
is defined as:
features = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.T, F)
feat_sum = tf.reduce_sum(features, axis=2)
feat_sum = tf.reshape(feat_sum, [-1, self.nb_classes])
It seems that feat_sum
is just the sum
of the embedding vector
, so, what's the principle of this ?
Actually, the feat_sum
is sum of weight of feature-functions(local functions).
In ME or CRF model, we defined a set of feature functions
which usually are binary functions. It means if a feature function is activated, then it's weight will be added to an accumulated value, i.e. the score value of feature.
So this summation process can be viewed as multiplying a weight matrix by a sparse vector. And the sparse vector is the sum of one-hot represent feature function's index.
This is very similar to embedding looking up. Since sparse matrix multiplication costs resources very much, I used embedding_lookup instead.
Hopes it will be helpful for you.