Hersh Dhillon
Hersh Dhillon
@leecalcote @theBeginner86 @sayantan1413 A couple of questions :- * Is the `import` command available in mesheryctl yet? I am currently testing the existing action for the `apply` command and added...
Any updates? @utkarsh-pro @leecalcote
Thanks @utkarsh-pro, this makes pattern import and apply quite clear. This is what I have done till now :- https://github.com/hershd23/service-mesh-patterns/runs/4953284735?check_suite_focus=true Here is a CI run. At this point in time...
A couple of comments on this issue. I went through the CI call and understood there was some uncertainty whether this is required or not. A lot of what we...
Sure @leecalcote
Reviewing it @leecalcote
https://github.com/meshery/meshery/tree/master/install/kubernetes/helm/meshery-operator#readme The enabled value for this is set to false under meshery-operator. So it should not automatically deploy meshery-cilium, is that the behaviour? @leecalcote all service mesh adapters are there...
@leecalcote a little unsure on how to progress on this
``` (base) hersh.dhillon@BLRETV-C02F49CL ~/personal_projects/projects/meshery/mesheryctl master ± kubectl get pods --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kube-system coredns-78fcd69978-zzmx4 1/1 Running 0 10m kube-system etcd-minikube 1/1 Running...