script.xbmc.lcdproc copied to clipboard
Dim Backlight also on dpmsactive
XBMC supports DPMS off, which seems to disable the screensaver. Following is a patch which checks against the new system.dpmsactive infolabel in addition to system.screensaveractive. if there is no such infolabel (current stable xbmc 13.2), xbmc should just return false but no error.
--- script.xbmc.lcdproc.old/resources/lib/ 2014-08-25 23:56:58.270016010 +0200
+++ 2014-08-25 23:56:34.269016566 +0200
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
return InfoLabel_GetBool("System.HasMediaDVD")
def InfoLabel_IsScreenSaverActive():
- return InfoLabel_GetBool("System.ScreenSaverActive")
+ return (InfoLabel_GetBool("System.ScreenSaverActive") | InfoLabel_GetBool("System.dpmsactive") )
def InfoLabel_GetVolumePercent():
volumedb = float(string.replace(string.replace(InfoLabel_GetInfoLabel("Player.Volume"), ",", "."), " dB", ""))
Will be considered for a future version for Helix, but probably in a different way (using callbacks etc.).