heroku-ci icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
heroku-ci copied to clipboard

this code is now in https://github.com/heroku/cli

Heroku CI CLI

The CLI plugin for Heroku CI


This plugin is part of the official Heroku CLI, so there is no need to install it to run their commands.


First, please read Developing CLI Plugins on Heroku's DevCenter.

Run Tests

$ npm test


  1. Release a new version of this npm package. e.g. Using np
› np

Publish a new version of heroku-ci (1.6.0)

? Select semver increment or specify new version minor 	1.7.0
? Will bump from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0. Continue? Yes
 ✔ Prerequisite check
 ✔ Git
 ✔ Cleanup
 ✔ Installing dependencies using Yarn
 ✔ Running tests
 ✔ Bumping version using Yarn
 ✔ Publishing package
 ✔ Pushing tags

 heroku-ci 1.7.0 published 🎉
  1. Open a new pr in https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/master/package.json, updating to the appropriate heroku-ci version.


All commands accept a -a flag. This should be the name of an app in the pipeline you have connected to Heroku CI. The -a flag can be omitted if you are in the directory of an app already.

heroku ci:list, aliased as heroku ci

Show the statuses of the most recent test runs. Add the -w or --watch flag to keep the session running and listen for updates.

heroku ci:info NUMBER

Show the status of a specific test run. If no run number is provided the most recent will be shown.

heroku ci:last

Show the status of the most recent test run

heroku ci:run

Run this from within your repo directory to trigger a test agains the current branch and commit.

heroku ci:rerun NUMBER

Re-run a previous test run. If no test run number is provided, the most recent test run will be re-run.

heroku ci:migrate-manifest

Migrate the current directory from the deprecated app-ci.json file format to the new app.json + environments. See the docs for more details.

heroku ci:debug

Run this from within your repo directory to start and attach to a debug run. Useful for debugging failing test setup or a test which fails in CI but passes locally.