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Heroku Core CLI Plugin for managing Heroku apps
Not that it's a big deal to switch over to my browser and type dashboard.heroku.com, but I often want to open the dashboard while I'm on the CLI. I'd like...
Issue: https://github.com/heroku/cli/issues/493 Begun adding more info from --json to apps:info. Only begun by adding buildpacks and dyno size. Happy to take thoughts ``` // new Dynos: email-wrkr: 1 Standard-1X Dyno...
(it only does it using `sudo`) It shows the header, but not its content. e.g.: ``` › heroku apps:info -a sausages -x === sausages Addons: heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev Auto Cert Mgmt: false...
`heroku ps` currently shows output like this: ``` $ heroku ps -a st-kpi-http-gateway === web (Private-L): bin/s3env run bin/cedar kpi-http-gateway-api (4) web.1: up 2017/11/16 21:10:50 -0800 (~ 16s ago) web.2:...
This adds a function `ps_wait` that is mostly pulled from [uhoh-itsmaciek/heroku-ps-wait](https://github.com/uhoh-itsmaciek/heroku-ps-wait). This allows a user to run `heroku ps:wait` to wait for all dynos to be up and running. Additionally,...
This stops the cosmetic change of Private-* dynos to Shield-* dynos for Shield Private Spaces. When Api begins sending the actual Shield dyno types then this cosmetic switcheroo will no...
"Since heroku buildpacks:sethas a "destructive" on preexisting buildpack, it would be nice to have some kind of warning." https://support.heroku.com/tickets/499446