cli-engine copied to clipboard
Autocomplete GA
alpha 6/27
- [x] cmd and flag completion on zsh
alpha 6/30
- [x] app (long) flag completion on zsh
- [x] app (short) flag completion on zsh
alpha v1 7/26
- [x] zsh command descriptions
- [x] zsh flag descriptions
- [x] zsh complete APP arg
- [x] zsh complete
flag - [x] zsh
becomes app flags - [x] zsh setup dynamic args completion
- [x] zsh setup any (long) flag completion
- [x] zsh addons completion, args & flag (this will be a test of dynamic completion)
- [x] autocomplete is own plugin
beta (v2, feature complete) tbd
- [x] arg/flag value completion via call to CLI
- [x] contextually be able to create cacheKey & fulfill options
- [x] finish moving to own plugin and add plugin to CLI
- [x] logging to autocomplete.log file
- [x] bring bash as far up to zsh as possible
- [x] help showing which flags have autocomplete
- [x] add ac waiting dots to zsh
- [x] capture cmd in autocomplete analytics
- [x] plugin dev docs < publish date?
- [x] more test coverage
- [x] update
& others with flag completion (
GA End of Oct
- [ ] shell completion in homebrew heroku/cli#224 << need to explore this further
- [ ] eager-caching resources when autocomplete is first setup: apps, spaces, pipelines
further improvements (mostly behind the scenes)
- [ ] stale-cache returning/figure out best way to fork process
- [ ] CLI agnostic (eg: heroku, sfdx, etc)
UPDATE: Ignore below, these have been moved to above and prioritized
more things:
completion - option dependency (for instance, config vars depend on app name)
- stale-cache returning
- eager-caching apps when autocomplete is first setup
- logging to autocomplete.log file
- help showing which flags/args have autocomplete?
UPDATE: Ignore below, this have been moved to above and prioritized
Also see .