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Code for the ICDAR2021 paper "Visual FUDGE: Form Understanding via Dynamic Graph Editing"

Visual FUDGE:

Form Understanding via Dynamic Graph Editing

This is the code for our ICDAR 2021 paper "Visual FUDGE: Form Understanding via Dynamic Graph Editing" (http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.08194)

Video: https://youtu.be/dUZvm8MP-58

This code is licensed under GNU GPL v3. If you would like it distributed to you under a different license, please contact me ([email protected]).

FUNSD result NAF result


  • Python 3
  • PyTorch 1.7+
  • scikit-image
  • pytorch-geometric https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notes/installation.html

Pre-trained Model weights

See pretrained.tar.gz in "Releases"

Reproducability instructions

Getting the datasets

NAF see https://github.com/herobd/NAF_dataset

FUNSD see https://guillaumejaume.github.io/FUNSD/

The configs expect the datasets to be at ../data/NAF_dataset/ and ../data/FUNSD/

Pretraining the detector networks

FUNSD: python train.py -c configs/cf_FUNSDLines_detect_augR_staggerLighter.json

NAF: python train.py -c configs/cf_NAF_detect_augR_staggerLighter.json

Training the full networks

FUNSD: python train.py -c configs/cf_FUNSDLines_pair_graph663rv_new.json

Word-FUDGE: python train.py -c configs/cf_FUNSDLinesAndWords_pair_graph663rv_new.json

NAF: python train.py -c configs/cf_NAF_pair_graph663rv_new.json

The ablation uses the following configs:

  • cf_FUNSDLines_pair_binary333rv_new.json
  • cf_FUNSDLines_pair_graph9rv_ablate.json
  • cf_FUNSDLines_pair_graph77rv_ablate.json
  • cf_FUNSDLines_pair_graph222rv_ablate.json
  • cf_NAF_pair_binary333rv_new.json

Wait, how long does this take to train?

If trained to the full 700,000 iterations, it takes a couple weeks, depending on your GPU. I used a batch size of 1 due to hardware limitations. I also hard-coded the batch size of 1, so you have to as well (GCNs handle batches specially and I didn't want to code that up).

However, from an experiment I ran, I think you can get the same results with only 250,000 iterations by accumulating the gradient to pretend a batch size of 5. This is done by adding "accum_grad_steps": 5 to trainer in the config json. Yes, that means it only updates the weights 50,000 times. It never hurts to train a bit more, it doesn't overfit in my experience.


If you want to run on GPU, add -g #, where # is the GPU number.

Remove the -T flag to run on the validation set.

Generally (works for detection and full model): python eval.py -c path/to/checkpoint.pth -T

Word-FUDGE needs to be told to evaluate using the GT word boxes: python eval.py -c path/to/checkpoint.pth -T -a useDetect=word_bbs

For the ablation using line-of-sight proposal: python eval.py -c path/to/checkpoint.pth -T -a model=change_relationship_proposal=line_of_sight

For the ablation preventing merges: python eval.py -c path/to/checkpoint.pth -T -a model=graph_config=0=merge_thresh=1.1,model=graph_config=1=merge_thresh=1.1,model=graph_config=2=merge_thresh=1.1

To compare to DocStruct -a gtGroups=1,useDetect=1 is used.



This is the script that executes training based on a configuration file. The training code is found in trainer/. The config file specifies which trainer is used.

The usage is: python train.py -c CONFIG.json (see below for example config file)

A training session can be resumed with: python train.py -r CHECKPOINT.pth

If you want to override the config file on a resume, just use the -c flag and be sure it has "override": true


This script runs a trained model (from a snapshot) through the dataset and prints its scores. It is also used to save images with the predictions on them.

Usage: `python eval.py -c CHECKPOINT.pth -f OVERRIDE_CONFIG.pth -g (gpu number) -n (number of images to save) -d (directory to save images) -T

The only flags required is -c or -f.

If -T is ommited it will run on the validation set instead of the test set.

If you want it to generate images (like in the paper), use both the -d and -n flags.

There is an additional -a flag which allows overwriting of specific values of the config file using this format key1=nestedkey=value,key2=value. It also allows setting these special options (which are part of config):

Evaluating detector:

  • -a pretty=true: Makes printed picture cleaner (less details)

Evaluatring pairing:

  • -a useDetect=True|word_bbs: Whether to use GT detection line boxes or word boxes
  • -a gtGroups=True: Force use of GT groupings (for DocStruct comparison)
  • -a draw_verbosity=0-3: Different ways of displaying the results.


This will run a model on a single input image and them produce an annotated image.

Usage: python run.py input/image.png output.png -c path/to/checkpoint.pth

If running the NAF model, you'll also want to include the argument --scale-image 0.52 to resize the image appropriately. If you run a detection model, add the -d flag (note: it won't perform non-maximal suppression when doing this).

File Structure

This code is based on based on victoresque's pytorch template.

├── train.py - Training script
├── eval.py - Evaluation and display script
├── configs/ - where the config files are
├── base/ - abstract base classes
│   ├── base_data_loader.py - abstract base class for data loaders
│   ├── base_model.py - abstract base class for models
│   └── base_trainer.py - abstract base class for trainers
├── data_loader/ - 
│   └── data_loaders.py - This provides access to all the dataset objects
├── datasets/ - default datasets folder
│   ├── box_detect.py - base class for detection datasets
│   ├── forms_box_detect.py - detection for NAF dataset
│   ├── funsd_box_detect.py - detection for FUNSD dataset
│   ├── graph_pair.py - base class for pairing datasets
│   ├── forms_graph_pair.py - pairing for NAF dataset
│   ├── funsd_graph_pair.py - pairing for NAF dataset
│   └── test*.py - scripts to test the datasets and display the images for visual inspection
├── logger/ - for training process logging
│   └── logger.py
├── model/ - models, losses, and metrics
│   ├── binary_pair_real.py - Provides classifying network for pairing and final prediction network for detection. Also can have secondary using non-visual features only classifier
│   ├── coordconv.py - Implements a few variations of CoordConv. I didn't get better results using it.
│   ├── csrc/ - Contains Facebook's implementation for ROIAlign from https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark
│   ├── roi_align.py - End point for ROIAlign code
│   ├── loss.py - Imports all loss functions
│   ├── net_builder.py - Defines basic layers and interpets config syntax into networks.
│   ├── optimize.py - pairing descision optimization code
│   ├── pairing_graph.py - pairing network class
│   ├── simpleNN.py - defines non-convolutional network
│   ├── yolo_box_detector.py - detector network class
│   └── yolo_loss.py - loss used by detector
├── saved/ - default checkpoints folder
├── trainer/ - trainers
│   ├── box_detect_trainer.py - detector training code
│   └── graph_pair_trainer.py - pairing training code
├── evaluators/ - used to evaluate the models
│   ├── draw_graph.py - draws the predictions onto the image
│   ├── funsdboxdetect_eval.py - for detectors
│   └── funsdgraphpair_eval.py - for pairing networks
└── utils/
    ├── util.py
    ├── augmentation.py - coloring and contrans augmentation
    ├── crop_transform.py - handles random croping, especially tracking which text is cropped
    ├── forms_annotations.py - functions for processing NAF dataset
    ├── funsd_annotations.py - functions for processing FUNSD dataset
    ├── group_pairing.py - helper functions dealing with groupings
    ├── img_f.py - I originally used OpenCV, but was running into issues with the Anaconda installation. This wraps SciKit Image with OpenCV function signatures.
    └── yolo_tools.py - Non-maximal supression and pred-to-GT aligning functions

Config file format

Config files are in .json format. Example:

  "name": "pairing",                      # Checkpoints will be saved in saved/name/checkpoint-...pth
  "cuda": true,                           # Whether to use GPU
  "gpu": 0,                               # GPU number. Only single GPU supported.
  "save_mode": "state_dict",              # Whether to save/load just state_dict, or whole object in checkpoint
  "override": true,                       # Override a checkpoints config
  "super_computer":false,                 # Whether to mute training info printed
  "data_loader": {
      "data_set_name": "FormsGraphPair",  # Class of dataset
      "special_dataset": "simple",        # Use partial dataset. "simple" is the set used for pairing in the paper
      "data_dir": "../data/NAF_dataset",  # Directory of dataset
      "batch_size": 1,
      "shuffle": true,
      "num_workers": 1,
      "rescale_range": [0.4,0.65],        # Form images are randomly resized in this range
      "crop_params": {
          "crop_size":[652,1608],         # Crop size for training instance
      "no_blanks": true,                  # Removed fields that are blank
      "swap_circle":true,                 # Treat text that should be circled/crossed-out as pre-printed text
      "no_graphics":true,                 # Images not considered elements
      "cache_resized_images": true,       # Cache images at maximum size of rescale_range to make reading them faster
      "rotation": false,                  # Bounding boxes are converted to axis-aligned rectangles
      "only_opposite_pairs": true         # Only label-value pairs

  "validation": {                         # Enherits all values from data_loader, specified values are changed
      "shuffle": false,
      "rescale_range": [0.52,0.52],
      "crop_params": null,
      "batch_size": 1

  "lr_scheduler_type": "none",

  "optimizer_type": "Adam",
  "optimizer": {                          # Any parameters of the optimizer object go here
      "lr": 0.001,
      "weight_decay": 0
  "loss": {                               # Name of functions (in loss.py) for various components
      "box": "YoloLoss",                  # Detection loss
      "edge": "sigmoid_BCE_loss",         # Pairing loss
      "nn": "MSE",                        # Num neighbor loss
      "class": "sigmoid_BCE_loss"         # Class of detections loss
  "loss_weights": {                       # Respective weighting of losses (multiplier)
      "box": 1.0,
      "edge": 0.5,
      "nn": 0.25,
      "class": 0.25
          "box": {"ignore_thresh": 0.5,
                  "bad_conf_weight": 20.0,
  "metrics": [],
  "trainer": {
      "class": "GraphPairTrainer",        # Training class name 
      "iterations": 125000,               # Stop iteration
      "save_dir": "saved/",               # save directory
      "val_step": 5000,                   # Run validation set every X iterations
      "save_step": 25000,                 # Save distinct checkpoint every X iterations
      "save_step_minor": 250,             # Save 'latest' checkpoint (overwrites) every X iterations
      "log_step": 250,                    # Print training metrics every X iterations
      "verbosity": 1,
      "monitor": "loss",
      "monitor_mode": "none",
      "warmup_steps": 1000,               # Defines length of ramp up from 0 learning rate
      "conf_thresh_init": 0.5,            
      "conf_thresh_change_iters": 0,      # Allows slowly lowering of detection conf thresh from higher value

      "unfreeze_detector": 2000,          # Iteration to unfreeze detector network
      "partial_from_gt": 0,               # Iteration to start using detection predictions
      "stop_from_gt": 20000,              # When to maximize predicted detection use
      "max_use_pred": 0.5,                # Maximum predicted detection use
      "use_all_bb_pred_for_rel_loss": true,

      "use_learning_schedule": true,
      "adapt_lr": false
  "arch": "PairingGraph",                 # Class name of model
  "model": {
      "detector_checkpoint": "saved/detector/checkpoint-iteration150000.pth",
      "conf_thresh": 0.5,
      "start_frozen": true,
	"use_rel_shape_feats": "corner",
      "use_detect_layer_feats": 16,       # Assumes this is from final level of detection network
      "use_2nd_detect_layer_feats": 0,    # Specify conv after pool
      "use_2nd_detect_scale_feats": 2,    # Scale (from pools)
      "use_2nd_detect_feats_size": 64,
      "use_fixed_masks": true,
      "no_grad_feats": true,

      "expand_rel_context": 150,          # How much to pad around relationship candidates before passing to conv layers
      "featurizer_start_h": 32,           # Size ROIPooling resizes relationship crops to
      "featurizer_start_w": 32,
      "featurizer_conv": ["sep128","M","sep128","sep128","M","sep256","sep256","M",238], # Network for featurizing relationship, see below for syntax
      "featurizer_fc": null,

      "pred_nn": true,                    # Predict a new num neighbors for detections
      "pred_class": false,                # Predict a new class for detections
      "expand_bb_context": 150,           # How much to pad around detections
      "featurizer_bb_start_h": 32,        # Size ROIPooling resizes detection crops to
      "featurizer_bb_start_w": 32,
      "bb_featurizer_conv": ["sep64","M","sep64","sep64","M","sep128","sep128","M",250], # Network for featurizing detections

      "graph_config": {
          "arch": "BinaryPairReal",
          "in_channels": 256,
          "layers": ["FC256","FC256"],    # Relationship classifier
          "rel_out": 1,                   # one output, probability of true relationship
          "layers_bb": ["FC256"]          # Detection predictor
          "bb_out": 1,                    # one output, num neighbors

Config network layer syntax:

  • [int]: Regular 3x3 convolution with specified output channels, normalization (if any), and ReLU
  • "ReLU"
  • "drop[float]"/"dropout[float]": Dropout, if no float amount is 0.5
  • "M"": Maxpool (2x2)
  • "R[int]": Residual block with specified output channels, two 3x3 convs with correct ReLU+norm ordering (expects non-acticated input)
  • "k[int]-[int]": conv, norm, relu. First int specifies kernel size, second specifier output channels.
  • "d[int]-[int]": dilated conv, norm, relu. First int specifies dilation, second specifier output channels.
  • "[h/v]d[int]-[int]": horizontal or vertical dilated conv, norm, relu (horizontal is 1x3 and vertical is 3x1 kernel). First int specifies dilation, second specifier output channels.
  • "sep[int]": Two conv,norm,relu blocks, the first is depthwise seperated, the second is (1x1). The int is the out channels
  • "cc[str]-k[int],d[int],[hd/vd]-[int]": CoordConv, str is type, k int is kernel size (default 3), d is dilation size (default 1), hd makes it horizontal (kernel is height 1), vd makes it vertical, final int is out channels
  • "FC[int]": Fully-connected layer with given output channels

The checkpoints will be saved in save_dir/name.

The config file is saved in the same folder. (as a reference only, the config is loaded from the checkpoint)

Note: checkpoints contain:

  'arch': arch,
  'iteration': iteration,
  'logger': self.train_logger,
  'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(),
  'swa_state_dict': self.swa_model.state_dict(),
  'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(),
  'config': self.config