Hermes Alves

Results 40 issues of Hermes Alves

Pessoal, Encontrei a [documentação]( porém não me diz aonde eu **gero** ou **encontro** os tokens. ![Captura de tela de 2022-05-23 17-20-16]( ![Captura de tela de 2022-05-23 17-20-58]( 1. Tentei colocar...

Hi there, I'm looking for a extension for get product image. When I will add a new product into collection called product. When I will insert the title of product...

I have 8 databases of my clients to back up and check if the copy is not corrupted. Would the pg_probackup help me with this? If not, could you point...

I have 8 databases of my clients to back up and check if the copy is not corrupted. Would the barman help me with this? If not, could you point...

I have 8 databases of my clients to back up and check if the copy is not corrupted. Would Elephant Shed help me with this? If not, could you point...

I have 8 databases of my clients to back up and check if the copy is not corrupted. Would pghoard help me with this? If not, could you point me...

**API GET no POSTMAN:** [https:/ ](https:/ ) **DESCRIÇÃO:** Estudando a API do seu _excelente_ projeto, e percebi que nesta consulta ele espera um array, mas recebe é um Boolean. ![image](

Hi there, Thanks for your docker image! I'm using :latest version with postgres. ``` LANGUAGES = { "en": {"flag": "us", "name": "English"}, "es": {"flag": "es", "name": "Spanish"}, "pt": {"flag": "pt",...

![Captura de tela de 2023-12-14 11-22-23]( I'm installing it on caprover, even with active websocket the login and password don't appear, they just stay on the "Waiting for master server..."...

Thanks for the project! Is it still up and running?