shade-inactive-windows icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
shade-inactive-windows copied to clipboard

GNOME 3.38 support after moved tweener module path

Open Polisson opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Hi, just upgraded Pop!OS to 20.10 and broke this great extension.

For those who can't live without it there is a simple method: edit ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/extension.js and change 6th row from: const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; to: const Tweener = imports.tweener.tweener;

For others, keep patience for upgrade ;)

Polisson avatar Nov 05 '20 17:11 Polisson

Works for me now, with this patch, on GNOME 3.38.1 on Fedora 33

mclarkson avatar Dec 04 '20 13:12 mclarkson

After restarting gnome killall -3 gnome-shell this worked for me too! thanks! Pop!_OS 20.10 & GNOME 3.38.3

davidsword avatar Mar 26 '21 22:03 davidsword

This extension was broken for me when installing for Ubuntu 20.10. Making the modification described in and running killall -3 gnome-shell resolved the issue for me.

topher200 avatar Apr 01 '21 20:04 topher200

Seems to work in Gnome 40 by using the Tweener fix above and also adding "40.0" to shell-version in metadata.json

eleius avatar Apr 10 '21 14:04 eleius