timevertor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
timevertor copied to clipboard

It's tiny and completely free application for datetime conversion to human-readable, RFC 2822, ISO 8601, UNIX Timestamp, Mac Timestamp, Microsoft Timestamp and FILETIME.



It's tiny and completely free application for datetime conversion to human-readable, RFC 822, ISO 8601, UNIX Timestamp, Mac Timestamp, Microsoft Timestamp and FILETIME.

To activate portable mode, create "timevertor.ini" in application folder, or move it from "%APPDATA%\Henry++\TimeVertor".

System requirements:


GPG Signature:

Binaries have GPG signature timevertor.exe.sig in application folder.

  • Public key: pubkey.asc (pgpkeys.eu)
  • Key ID: 0x5635B5FD
  • Fingerprint: D985 2361 1524 AB29 BE73 30AC 2881 20A7 5635 B5FD