Henry Lau
Henry Lau
 https://qz.com/the-world-s-population-just-hit-8-billion-and-thats-ok-1849783692 Looks like custom arrows to avoid too much crossover
An upset plot, just like [this example](https://twitter.com/ngehlenborg/status/1250307072861720583) 
The height of the chart should be calculated with a height per item * number of items, rather than use aspect ratio. I think this would apply to - Simple...
For positive and negative values
Looks awful, can we remove the x.domain line Sort out the maxVal/auto max val Sort out screensize properly remove outerpadding please put in ticks_every
Think this would be quite a useful template [https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/dvc1109/vacsregional/index.html](https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/dvc1109/vacsregional/index.html)