Henry Lau
Henry Lau
I looking for an option to coalesce based on a property in the geojson. For example we are mapping lots of small areas, and we've coloured the areas based on...
**Describe the feature** No documentation on how to force handle to be focused **Explain it's value / reasoning** I think this would be useful. It's used in some of the...
Change over time is paused and variable changed using the top button, currValue updates but currPoint doesn't
When using Jenks breaks, the legend will round to say the nearest integer while the hover value will be to one decimal. You might have the situation where the highest...
Faint vertical line to show axis. Left side title centre aligned to faint line. Circle at end of lines. Value just next to name, no parenthesis.
 New template request: vertical split bar chart. Source: The pudding
Line chart should be constant height to avoid direct labels clashing