bottom-up-attention-vqa copied to clipboard
about forward()
def forward(self, v, b, q, labels): """Forward
v: [batch, num_objs, obj_dim]
b: [batch, num_objs, b_dim]
q: [batch_size, seq_length]
return: logits, not probs
w_emb = self.w_emb(q)
q_emb = self.q_emb(w_emb) # [batch, q_dim]
att = self.v_att(v, q_emb)
v_emb = (att * v).sum(1) # [batch, v_dim]
q_repr = self.q_net(q_emb)
v_repr = self.v_net(v_emb)
joint_repr = q_repr * v_repr
logits = self.classifier(joint_repr)
return logits
When I read this code, I had some doubts that dataset has four features, spatials, question, target, whether v, b, q and a are one-to-one corresponding, and then the value of b is not used at all in forward (), so where is the function of b reflected?
Hello, about your quesiton: def forward(). For b and labels, it's not used in forward function. b is spatial features, labels is true answer and is use to calculate loss.