Hendra Wijaya Djiono
Hendra Wijaya Djiono
If [grabAnimator](https://github.com/FutureMind/recycler-fast-scroll/blob/master/example/src/main/java/com/futuremind/recyclerviewfastscroll/example/customview/CustomScrollerViewProvider.java#L74) or [releaseAnimator](https://github.com/FutureMind/recycler-fast-scroll/blob/master/example/src/main/java/com/futuremind/recyclerviewfastscroll/example/customview/CustomScrollerViewProvider.java#L75) is not provided, this [line](https://github.com/FutureMind/recycler-fast-scroll/blob/master/example/src/main/java/com/futuremind/recyclerviewfastscroll/example/customview/CustomHandleBehavior.java#L59) will throw exception `android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0`
From https://material.io/guidelines/components/dialogs.html#dialogs-specs > Number of actions > > Dialogs should not include more than two actions. A third action, such as “Learn more,” navigates away from the dialog, potentially leaving...
I don't know if it is the right behavior, but i got a weird behavior here. InnerPinView drawable is seems to be smaller than OuterPinView drawable on device with 320dpi...
Since it was deprecated I think it is good if you can also provide a hint in README.md explaining what library we should use or alternatives of this library.
When i add a library that hosted at jitpack from a gradle file, for example `implementation 'com.github.IONsoft-Indonesia:RandomNumberAnimation:1.2'` Then i sync gradle, it will takes forever. It will stuck at `Gradle:...
Hi @JeasonWong From the last commit i see you merged https://github.com/JeasonWong/QingtingBannerView/tree/MikeCoder-master to master branch. I see that it has auto scroll function under development. I think you must review it...
http://www.materialdoc.com/search-filter/ link is broken, please update it
I think it will be better if you can make a functionality that if user click the outer parent, the radio button inside will also be clicked
First item scroll feedback is no problem But the last item will be truncated That is for items with size 2. If the size larger, the feedback will not show...
Is there any particular reason you used `com.example.lib` as package name?