getbhavcopy copied to clipboard
Error communicating with Google Analytics
Dear Hemng.. Previously we noticed (v2.1.12a) was not working due to "Error communicating google analytics" the same error continue still 2.1.14a also.. i can't use GBC from 24.01.2019
i appreciate to upgraded new release form 2.1.12a to 2.1.14a but issue not resolved..
what can i do ? or why u r not remove" google analytics checking "
Same issue New Version 2.1.14a is not working. Showing "Error communicating google analytics" and then crashes. Please Help further
@madhanji and @rahulm99 What is your Windows and dotNet Framework version?
Linking #59
Hi , Dotnet Framework version is 4.0 & Windows 7 Ultimate
hi Heman ji.. using windows 7 sp1 with dot net 4.7.2 no av sw.. i deleted all registry keys related with GBC after getting error" error communicating with google analytics", but not resolved..
registry key need for GBC TO DOWNLOAD DATA..? if s, pls provide exact registry key file,,so that we can try ...
Not sure if this will be fixed with 2.1.15a or 3.0.0.a. Not marking as fixed. Moving to backlog for monitoring. Hoping the issue gets fixed on 3.0.0a
Dear Hemank..Thanks for ur effortto resolve it.. Unfortunately v3 also same error continue..(" error communicating with google analytics") god only know how to rectify ..!! if possible , pls provide exact registry key file,,so that we can try one more...
Happy trading
Not sure why your system is behaving this way. There may be something on your machine that is blocking connection to google. And you should never need to change registry keys. If GBC does not find keys it will create them. Sorry cant help you here. It is not a GBC issue but an issue with your setup.
Is there any one in community still facing this issue? Please share your windows, dotnet version and details of any antivirus or antitracking application you may have installed on your machine
Hi Hemank, Big Thanks for v3.. s, unfortunately it was worked like charm..while i tried with different drive's /folder's God permitted to run GBC..!!
Big Thanks again.. Happy Trading.. (Pls rectify Future series issue, already noticed seperatly..)
I cannot understand your statement. Is v3.0.0a working for you or not? If it is working now, then what did you change on your system?
Hi JI.. s, it's work issues on v3..first time i ran v3 but it's shows old "google analytics error"
then i posted here.. after i tried AGAIN paste in different drive like D,E,F AND CHANGE /CREATE SUB FOLDER .. then it's work with d drive with subfolder creation for GBC..
now works fine.. Thanks for v3 and ur effort to help trading community.. God help all
HI, Downloaded version 3... And I tried all the possible actions like updating dotnet to latest version also tried extracting in various other drives just as Madhanji but no luck. It is still not working. Same google analytic error comes and then crashes.
Hi JI.. s, it's work issues on v3..first time i ran v3 but it's shows old "google analytics error"
then i posted here.. after i tried AGAIN paste in different drive like D,E,F AND CHANGE /CREATE SUB FOLDER .. then it's work with d drive with subfolder creation for GBC..
now works fine.. Thanks for v3 and ur effort to help trading community.. God help all
Sir, Can you please elobrate a little bit more the exact path you extracted GBC
You need to extract Getbhavcopy in a location where you have permissions to create files and folders. Also the data directories should be located where Getbhavcopy can create new files
Hi , Dotnet Framework version is 4.0 & Windows 7 Ultimate
@rahulm99, GBC version 3.0.0a and up will need .net version 4.6 minimum. I dropped support for all .net frameworks less than 4.6
Everything is updated now at my end .net 4.6 done, Still the same error :(
Ever since this Error " error communicating with google analytics" came in late January 2019 i have tried hard , very hard and applied various tests , re- installed everything ...... Its been almost 5 months now but still Getbhavcopy is not working. Gives me same error on starting the application.
Dear Hemen I have been having this issue of not able to communicate with google analytics for nearly a year now. Today i have been able to resolve the issue. I have been using a hosts file to block unwanted advertisements and malaware. That hosts file was not allowing the GBC to function. After using the windows original hosts file, I am now able to use GBC. The problem is that I still want to use the hosts file to block unwanted connections. Therefore I am attaching the hosts file that I was using. Please find out the entries that are interfering with GBC. So that the rest of the hosts file can be used. Thank you hosts.txt
@tuaga ,
I have not looked at your entire file, but I try to connect to google analytics using the HTTP endpoint at
Based on that I can see that the below-uncommented lines in your hosts file will cause issues. There may be other instances, but I hope this gives you the needed information to make the required changes to your file to make Getbhavcopy working. #[affects Google Trends]
Thanks That works
Go to your Network adapter settings and disable ipv6 settings. it will work