getbhavcopy copied to clipboard
could not dowload data since 29.3.23
whie downloading data it is showing -
Message ********* Starting Getbhavcopy ********* Message ********* Downloading Data for 31-03-2023 ********* Message Downloading NSE Equity Bhavcopy Error Could not extract NSE zip file. Error Cannot find central directory Message Downloading index data for NSENIFTY
Request to sort the issue.
I went into options and switched to the new nse website and I'm getting this - Message ********* Downloading Data for 29-03-2023 ********* Message Downloading NSE Equity Bhavcopy Error Error downloading NSE Equity Bhavcopy file Error The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly. Message Downloading index data for NSENIFTY
I think it's a mess up from nse side as they've permanently deleted their old website and the new website is not able to give bhavcopy data to getbhavcopy for some reason. Can someone please give me 27-3-23 data in txt format as I'm missing that as well and also the F&O data for whole week 27/3 to 31/3. Thanks!
2023-03-28-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-28-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-31-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-FO.txt
I too could not get 31.03.2023 FO.txt file. Hope this issue will be resolved soon for the benefit of all who were doing analysis through GetBhavcopy free software.
2023-03-28-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-28-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-31-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-FO.txt
Wow! Thanks a lot buddy! Where do you get this data from? Please teach me, so that I can become atmahnirbhar
Till 29.03.23 I used to download these Equity & FO txt files from Himen Kapadia's GETBHAVCOPY software which is free to use. Problems started from 31st March and I could not download from GetBhavcopy. Presume GetBhavcopy will be updated to get data from the NSE new website. Hope this problem will be resolved soon. Glad that I could be of help to you.
Ah! I see, thanks!
Mr. Mehul Bosamia, Is it possible to download EQUITY & FO txt files directly from NSE new website? As you know now we can not download using GETBHAVCOPY software. Kindly advise. Thank you.
I used to update my MetaStock data using GetBhavcopy software till 29.03.2023. Could not do the same since 31.03.2023. That is why seeking your assistance.
Any updates or workaround ?
Same problem here today.
dear heman. please look into this matter, resolve as soon as possible with your kind...
2023-03-28-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-28-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-31-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-FO.txt
31.03.2023 data not have index data
2023-03-28-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-28-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-29-NSE-FO.txt 2023-03-31-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-EQ.txt 2023-03-27-NSE-FO.txt
31.03.2023 data not have index data
facing same problem......... todays data is downloading
same issue ; unable to download NSE data
NSE has changed their website address and I guess Hemen ji needs to update the parsing script in the exe file
Mr. Mehul Bosamia, Is it possible to download EQUITY & FO txt files directly from NSE new website? As you know now we can not download using GETBHAVCOPY software. Kindly advise. Thank you.
Go to nse website, then hover on resources, then click on daily market reports then click on archives (next to monthly reports), then select a date, then scroll down to the end and download full bhavcopy and security deliverable data.
This you will get in excel sheet. In order to make it compatible with Metastock, you will need to filter EQ/BE data, change the date format into yyyymmdd, and remove all columns except symbol,date,open,high,low,close,totaltradedvol,totaldeliveryqty, then you have to somehow make it into txt or ascii format, then convert it into metastock format and voila you're done! I'm unable to convert it into txt format, so if you figure that part out then please help me also!!
I am also facing the same issue:
Message ********* Starting Getbhavcopy ********* Message ********* Downloading Data for 03-04-2023 ********* Message Downloading NSE Equity Bhavcopy Error Could not extract NSE zip file. Error Cannot find central directory Message Downloading index data for NSENIFTY
Kindly resolve it.
Yes, same error for NSE equity segment. Request to kindly provide some solution to this issue.
I have sent mail to hemantji let us see what happens.
from nse india website it can be downloaded.but date dd/april/yyyy for mat is there,and amibroker needs month in no form. and instead of ticker it is symbol is there.
Anyone know about this application source code. Is it possible to work on the codes and change the settings?
Mr. Mehul Bosamia, Is it possible to download EQUITY & FO txt files directly from NSE new website? As you know now we can not download using GETBHAVCOPY software. Kindly advise. Thank you.
Go to nse website, then hover on resources, then click on daily market reports then click on archives (next to monthly reports), then select a date, then scroll down to the end and download full bhavcopy and security deliverable data.
This you will get in excel sheet. In order to make it compatible with Metastock, you will need to filter EQ/BE data, change the date format into yyyymmdd, and remove all columns except symbol,date,open,high,low,close,totaltradedvol,totaldeliveryqty, then you have to somehow make it into txt or ascii format, then convert it into metastock format and voila you're done! I'm unable to convert it into txt format, so if you figure that part out then please help me also!!
Tried but no success. The NSE file is in Excel Format which I am unable to convert to the data type, date format and removal of unecessary data columns. Thank you for your response and advice.
I have sent mail to hemantji let us see what happens.
Please provide Hemenjis email. Everyone should send email to Hemenji.
NSE Website says the following:
Effective 01-April-2023, our old website ( shall not be available.
All the information which was accessible on old website has been advanced to the new website for our esteemed patrons convenience.
To visit the new NSE website
This might be the reason, Hemen Kapadia Ji should help his followers to deal with this problem. It is really a very cute utility, looking forward to seeing some solution very soon.
Index data not included
Thanks , Much appreciated .How did you download this version of the feed?
The files on nse have been moved to . the bhavcopy should have an option to change to this address . i hope Hemant can make this quick change , His application has many loyal users using it for years , Hopefully he won't leave them in lurch :(
shall we get todays file?
cm05APR2023bhav.txt Index data not included