
Results 37 comments of Minko

@sapphi-red sorry for the late reply. i've checked the reproduction and update vite to lastest, and found this is not solved. Here is the repro: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-output-file-paths-ylbeyd

@sapphi-red What I hope is that the duplicated assets will not be deduplicated after bundle, and the problem solved by this pr https://github.com/vitejs/vite/pull/9928 is the manifest reference. It seems that...

> @hemengke1997 Yes I understand the difference. But we didn't understand why you need to avoid the dedupe of the actual file. Would you provide more context about that? I...

try https://github.com/hemengke1997/postcss-pxtorem

> I have the same problem. Have you solved it now? I did

maybe ouput should be: ``` @supports (top: max(0px)) { .btn { bottom: max(calc(var(--safe-bottom)), calc(var(--some-var, 0.625rem) - 0.625rem)); left: max(calc(var(--safe-left)), calc(var(--some-var, 0.625rem) - 0.625rem)); } ``` BTW, you could try https://github.com/hemengke1997/postcss-pxtorem....

1. 我曾经实现过这个需求,不过已经从之前公司离职了..没代码了。 当时我是用的 pro-table 的列设置和本库配合实现的。 2. 不会,你试试就知道了 针对你的第一个问题哈,因为涉及到 break-change了,所以我不方便改动代码,如果你觉得改动此库代码可以满足你的需求的话,建议你fork一份。不过我认为你的业务代码里面修改就可以实现了。方便的话你可以贴一些关键代码出来我看看

Sorry for the late reply. > I did not set a default width for each element in my columns object, the hooks will not work even with defaultWidth prop... That's...

Add width to the `fixed: right` col, then remove width from any other col, as long as it's not the `fixed` col