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Basic Algorithm Implementation with ES6.

As of now in the latest browser or node, typing class would yield:

> class
SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word

This repo is a WIP that should slowly grow into a collection of implementation of letious algorithms with JS using ES6 constructs!

Let's start with Sorting Algorithms!

Before we create classes of each of the sorting algorithms, let's create a base class named Sorter

class Sorter {
  constructor(nums) {
    this.nums = nums;

#Bubble Sort


    hasChanged := false
	decrement itemCount
    repeat with index from 1 to itemCount
		if (item at index) > (item at (index + 1))
				swap (item at index) with (item at (index + 1))
                hasChanged := true
until hasChanged = false

Worst case complexity is O(n^2)

class BubbleSort extends Sorter {

  constructor(nums) {
  sort() {
    let length = this.nums.length;
     do {
        let swapped = false;
        for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
          if (this.nums[i] > this.nums[i+1]) {
            [this.nums[i],this.nums[i+1]] = [this.nums[i+1], this.nums[i]];
            swapped = true;
    } while(swapped == true);
	return this.nums;
let bubble = new BubbleSort([-1,0,-11,42,32,3]);

console.log(bubble.sort()); // [-11,-1,0,3,32,42]

#Insertion Sort


function insertionSort(array A)
    for i from 1 to length[A]-1 do
        value := A[i] 
        j := i-1
        while j >= 0 and A[j] > value do
            A[j+1] := A[j]
            j := j-1
        A[j+1] = value

class InsertionSort extends Sorter {
  sort() {
    for(let i = 1; i < this.nums.length; i++){
      let value = this.nums[i];
      let j = i - 1;
      while(j >= 0 && this.nums[j] > value){
        this.nums[j + 1] = this.nums[j];
        j = j - 1;
      this.nums[j + 1] = value;
    return this.nums;
let insertion = new InsertionSort([3,4,1,2,0]);

console.log(insertion.sort()); // 0,1,2,3,4

#Selection Sort


for i = 0 to numItems - 1
    for  j = i+1 to numItems               
        if A[i] > A[j]
            A[i] <-> A[j]         
        End If    
    Next j
Next i

class SelectionSort extends Sorter {
    let len = this.nums.length,

    for (i=0; i < len; i++){
        min = i;
        for (j=i+1; j < len; j++){
            if (this.nums[j] < this.nums[min]){
                min = j;
        if (i != min){
            [this.nums[i],this.nums[min]] = [this.nums[min],this.nums[i]];
    return this.nums;
let selection = SelectionSort([1,2,-1,0,4,5]);
console.log(selection.sort()); // -1,0,1,2,4,5

#Count Sort

class CountSort extends Sorter {
  constructor(nums) {
  sort() {
    let i, x = 0, count = [];
    for (i = this.min; i <= this.max; i++) {
        count[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i < this.nums.length; i++) {
    for (i = this.min; i <= this.max; i++) {
        while (count[i]-- > 0) {
            this.nums[x++] = i;
    return this.nums;