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A micro V language compiler

The micro V - minimal v language compiler

This is a learning project to build a compiler for the awesome V language. Check out the V website and try it for yourself.

Overall design

The compiler works like this:

1. Tokenizer

The source text is tokenized into tokens that are parsed by the parser.

2. Parser

The parser parses all tokens into an AST (abstract syntax tree).

3. Binding

Analyses the the AST, binds the symbols and types, does the semantic checks etc.

A part of the binding process is different levels of "lowering", take the AST node and make lower version. As an example: a for loop is turned inot labels and gotos. Depending on back-end different levels of lowering is needed.

The binding also manage the scope and levels of scope. The GlobalScope is a special scope that has information of all top-level statements, constants and function declarations.

4. Compiler

Handles the compiling process that starts with tokenizing and ends ether with evaluation/intepretation or a code generation to selected back-end

5. Evaluation

Inteprets the lowered bound AST.

6. Code generation

If not in intepreter scriptmode it will generate code depending on selected back-end. (Not decided yet the default one. Considering LLVM, C or MIL)


lib module

Lib module contiains all built-in libraries in micro V.


this module contains all logic that relates to the compiler/intepreter.


All the nodes in the abstract syntax tree.


Alexander Medvednikov, the creator of V and all V-developer for inpiring to this prototype