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[Office hours/ Booking System] design update after first draft
Figma design link:
Tasks to be done: 1 - Nav bar ◻️ Add "Your Office Hours" under "Your Account" in header
2 - [Office hour index page] ◻️ Update header button to URL ◻️ Update card layout (with new text field added in [create office hour page])
3 - [Create office hour page] ◻️ Add new text field "Specify what you would like to help on?" ◻️ Add section displaying current office hours (UX similar to current office hour index page) ◻️ Updated layout for create office hours
May have missed details in this write up. For any questions, please let us know over at #hwc-development! (Tag @tinnei / @catliu / @colinjohnson) Thank you so much!!
Deleting an existing slot is super confusing. Can we put a delete action adjacent to edit on time slot hover state?

I think it's confusing and awkward that I need to make sure to delete the event that is auto created after creating a new slot before clicking 'Create slots' if I don't want to create that additional slot. E.g.
I enter info to create a new slot
I click '+' to generate it, and an auto generated slot appears below it
If I click 'Create slots' button these two are created right? But I only want the one I intentionally created. So I have to delete the second one.
So...I understand how it's intended to work, but it's not how I read the UI when I try it after not looking at it for a week of so. The '+' is the action people will most likely click after entering in slot info. It will be confusing and people will create slots they didn't intend to. I suggest we have 'create slot' and 'add new slot' to the right of each inline form, and 'save slots' at the bottom instead of 'create slots'.
🐞 This is a bug report:
When I created a slot for 2pm on a given day it then shows up as 9pm.

There's actually no way to edit a slot, even though there's a link on the slot in the card UI:
click 'edit' on slot in card
Land on the OH manage UI—huh?
Click the slot again, and no edit...
I need to delete and recreate slot to change the time?
These should all be resolved. LMK if anything was missed.