问题描述 我在使用异步执行run/script接口时,发现callback不支持设置header,而这个header在我的业务中是一个必要操作,否则会导致callback请求失败。 代码实例 添加了一个可选参数callbackHeader,使用方式如下: params.put("callback", config.getNotebookUrl() + "/api/job/callback"); params.put("async", "true"); params.put("callbackHeader", "{\"Authorization\":\"Bear xxxxx\"}");
目标: - 进入byzer-lang/external/mlsql-autosuggest目录下,执行命令 `mvn test`,并能过通过所有测试 - 必要的话,可以拆成多个PR进行提交
## Logs in python are not visible in yarn mode Registering the Ray prediction service, logs can be printed normally in `select` query `local` mode, but cannot be displayed in...
## Registering the registered model again will report an error After restarting the service, an error will be reported when the registered model is registered again, and this error will...
The format of `model.summary()` printout is messed up.
## Issue description 1. In Byzer project, the DSLSQL grammar defines a subrule `errorIfExists: 'errorIfExists'` and a token for the keyword `ERRORIfExists:'errorIfExists'`. However, due to the implementation of CaseChangingStream in...
run command as LSCommand.`` where path="hdfs://localhost:64066/csv" as table1; Or you can use the command as follow: !ls "hdfs://localhost:64066/csv";
Failed to execute goal org.scalatest:scalatest-maven-plugin:1.0:test 而本地的.m2目录下是有1.0的plugin的 drwxr-xr-x 7 docker staff 224 8 4 20:49 ./ drwxr-xr-x 4 docker staff 128 8 4 20:48 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 docker staff 222 8...
Fixes #3962 This PR adds support for the following: - Default initialize `exp.UNNEST` to include "unnest" as the default table alias if not specified - Added expression type of `exp.Inline`...