ngx-lua-shrbtree-module icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ngx-lua-shrbtree-module copied to clipboard

Shared rbtree of ngx-lua

  • Name ngx_lua_shrbtree - Shared rbtree of ngx_lua in workers

  • Introduction ngx_lua_shrbtree is based on [[][lua-nginx-module]], and looks like [[][ngx.shared.DICT]]. There are differences:

  • ngx_lua_shrbtree support /lua table/,
  • there are no expiration time, replacement strategy.

In effect, It is storage with red-black tree structure.

  • Directive syntax: /ngx_shared_rbtree /

default: /no/

context: /http/

phase: /depends on usage/

Declares a shared memory zone, ==, to serve as storage for the shm based Lua shared rbtree.

Shared memory zones are always shared by all the nginx worker processes in the current nginx server instance.

The == argument accepts size units such as =k= and =m=:

#+BEGIN_SRC nginx http { lua_shared_rbtree rbtree 1m; ... } #+END_SRC

  • Installation

[[][Seeing lua-nginx-module installation]], and on this basis you just need to add ngx-lua-shrbtree-module.

#+BEGIN_SRC shell ./configure ${lua-nginx-module configure arguments} --add-module=/path/to/ngx-lua-shrbtree-module

make && make install #+END_SRC

  • Lua APIs

context: /set_by_lua*, rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, header_filter_by_lua*, body_filter_by_lua*, log_by_lua*, ngx.timer.*/

support type: =boolean, number, string, table=

** insert syntax: =success, message = insert {key , value , compare_function}=


  • =key=: key of insert node.
  • =value=: value of insert node.
  • =compare_function=: a function to compare two keys.


  • =success=: boolean value to indicate whether the node is stored or not.
  • =message=: textual error message, e.g. "no memory".

** get syntax: =value, message = get {key [, field] , compare_function}=


  • =key=: key of want to get node.
  • =field=: Optional, key of table that if the value is table type.
  • =compare_function=: a function to compare two keys.


  • =value=: value of get by key and optional field. If it's =nil=, indicate /get false/, and the error message in =message=.
  • =message=: textual error message, e.g. "no exists".

** delete syntax: =success, message = delete {key , compare_function}=


  • =key=: key of delete node.
  • =compare_function=: a function to compare two keys.


  • =success=: boolean value to indicate whether the node is delete or not.
  • =message=: textual error message, e.g. "no exists".

** compare_function Convention of the compare function:

syntax: =result = compare_function(key1, key2)=

  • =key1=: Key of current rbtree node that is =key= argument of APIs.
  • =key2=: Key of other rbtree node that is given by APIs.
  • =result=: It indicates =key1 > key2= that is =1=. It indicates =key1 < key2= that is =-1=. It indicates =key1= == =key2= that is =0=.
  • Example

Here is a simple example: #+BEGIN_SRC nginx http { lua_shared_rbtree rbtree 1m; server { location /test { content_by_lua ' -- require shrbtree module local shrbtree = require("shrbtree") local rbtree = shrbtree.rbtree

            -- compare function
            local cmp = function(s1, s2)
                if s1 > s2 then
                    return 1

                elseif s1 < s2 then
                    return -1

                    return 0

            local success, msg = rbtree:insert{"a", 1, cmp}
            if not success then
                return ngx.say(msg)

            local value, msg = rbtree:get{"a", cmp}
            if value == nil then
                return ngx.say(msg)



Here is a example that /ip2location/ info test: #+BEGIN_SRC nginx http { lua_shared_rbtree rbtree 100m; server { location /insert_ipinfo { content_by_lua_file path/to/insert_ipinfo.lua; }

    location /get_ipinfo {
        content_by_lua_file path/to/get_ipinfo.lua;


insert_ipinfo.lua: #+BEGIN_SRC lua local shrbtree = require("shrbtree") local rbtree = shrbtree.rbtree

local cmpf = function(a, b) if a[1] > b[2] then return 1

elseif a[1] < b[1] then return -1

else return 0 end end

local filename = "path/to/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.CSV" local pattern = '"(%d+)","(%d+)","(%a+)","(%a+)"' for line in io.lines(filename) do local ok, _, S, E, c, C = string.find(line, pattern)

local nS = tonumber(S) local nE = tonumber(E)

if ok then local key = {nS, nE} local value = {c, C} local ok, msg = rbtree:insert{key, value, cmpf} if not ok then ngx.say(nS, " ", nE, " ", c, " ", C) ngx.say(msg) end end end ngx.say("ok") #+END_SRC

get_ipinfo.lua: #+BEGIN_SRC lua local shrbtree = require("shrbtree") local rbtree = shrbtree.rbtree

local cmpf = function(a, b) if a > b[2] then return 1

elseif a < b[1] then
    return -2

    return 0


local filename = "path/to/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.CSV" local pattern = '"(%d+)","(%d+)","(%a+)","(%a+)"' for line in io.lines(filename) do local ok, _, S, _, _, C = string.find(line, pattern)

local nS = tonumber(S)

if ok then local key = nS local value, msg = rbtree:get{key, 2, cmpf} if not (value == C) then ngx.say(nS) ngx.say(msg) end end end ngx.say("ok") #+END_SRC

IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.CSV: #+BEGIN_SRC shell $ head IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.CSV "0","16777215","-","-" "16777216","16777471","AU","Australia" "16777472","16778239","CN","China" "16778240","16779263","AU","Australia" "16779264","16781311","CN","China" #+END_SRC