
Results 14 comments of helloyako

I'm sorry. I made it. but it's not operation.

How did you set image? I recommend`imageCropView.setImageFilePath(path);` instead of `imageCropView.setImageURI(imageUri);`

I'm sorry I don't understand this issue

I don't think so. This library doesn't provide rotation feature.

@isabsent Thank you. I don't have plan to support rotation now. But I think it's good idea if this lib support rotation. I will consider that.

Hello :) Did you add `android:largeHeap="true"` in an AndroidManifest.xml ?

@Naviloah Hello. Thank you for using this library. I have a question. How did you load your image? If you load image as `setImageResource` or else, you should use `setImageFilePath`...

Yes. It's not supported by Glide. please call `setImageFilePath` method.

Hello, @SMARTVIK Thank you for using my library. First. However, I don't understand your question. Second. Check my sample app xml. [here](https://github.com/naver/android-imagecropview/blob/master/app/src/main/res/layout/activity_crop.xml#L10-L21)

I see. But I don't have good idea now. Let's thinking together.