anima icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
anima copied to clipboard

Minimal database operation library.

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![image]( all/one/count等都调用这里,会setMapping ![image]( 但是分页没有?这样导致page分页的时候,只要是不一致的字段值就为null

表结构 ```sql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_user`; CREATE TABLE `t_user` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, `password` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET...

每使用Anima.atomic一次,就泄露一个连接,跟踪了一下代码,发现在AnimaQuery中,方法 private Connection getConn() { Connection connection = localConnection.get(); return ifNotNullReturn(connection, connection, this.getSql2o().open()); } ifNotNullReturn(connection, connection, this.getSql2o().open()); 这儿无论connection是否为空,都回去调用this.getSql2o().open()打开新的连接,我把这儿改成 if (connection!= null) { return connection; } else{ return this.getSql2o().open(); } 不知道我的理解是否正确

### How increase value by 1?

> 如果属性为TargetId, 使用methodToFieldName方法问题 ``` code public static String methodToFieldName(String methodName) { return capitalize(methodName.replace("get", "")); } ``` ``` code String result = "getTargetId".replace("get", ""); // 输出值为TarId,正确应该是TargetId ``` 可以使用replaceFirst ``` code String...

Anima 是否有对多数据源的支持呢?

Exception in thread "main" org.sql2o.Sql2oException: Keys were not fetched from database. Please set the returnGeneratedKeys parameter in the createQuery() method to enable fetching of generated keys. at org.sql2o.Connection.getKey( at